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Show IIAVK VIII IIS4I1II or I THK I.ICIN'M Hlll tH l The ma Venltlan l.t.a la Ad..le.l hit I'rnareaslee Amerlean Nveaie.er t Collier'! Weekly Ii conducting a very novel tr.d Interesting competition for its readera each month. To enter the contest con-test all one haa to do la to review the le.uea ol Coll'er't lor the current month and answer the two or three questions which are printed lu each I. sue, giving such opinion, and inch atiggettiont as 1 will aid in Improving the paier. Collier'! Col-lier'! aims in thliwav to secure the assistance as-sistance ol every one of Its readers In making the paper more to their liking. Every reader, In f.ct, Incomes one of the editors and hat hit voice in building the greatest illustrated journal ol the age. The first p'ire each month, awarded lor the most h-lplul suggestion, It 150 in cash, with a second prise of (25 in caah, j and eighteen other nrizei of teti of books, ranging In value from 1112 down to o, making in all (.'I2U ol value glvtn in prliet each month. There are, In addition, cnmulative cash prizes, lor those who win prlzet in successive months, and a big caah prize o! 11,0( 0 for tht most vtlUAblesuggesttont during IIKI3. For the convenience ol Intending contestants con-testants who can not be promptly supplied sup-plied hy newsdealer., all the copies of' Collier'! lor the current month will be tant postpaid, together wltb a handsome hand-some prool ol a drawing bv Charles liana Uihaon, upon receipt ul 40 cent! in itampi addressed to Tht Lion't Mouth, Collier'! Weekly, 4.18 Waal 13th street, New York. |