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Show A Wslled Town In Britain. ' In the old ilnys when might was rlKht the city that was walled about i was common on.on.ii, hut there are J very few towns In lliltsln which pre- I i.ervo their walls al the present dny. j (if those few, undoubtedly the moat j unique Is llorwlck upon Tweed. Ihe old Border tosn. which has occupied many a patio of the past history of Ihe United Kingdom, and which to this very dny enjoys tho distinction ot special mention as a place apart from the United Kingdom In every royal proclamation Issued. Hero the old battlement built In the time of Queen Kllr.nbeth remain Intact, with all but one of the ancient gateways, and even In some cases the very ponderous gate themselves on their old rusty k binge. In reality ther ar two wall. I' th outslil and older one, of which I now only some fragment remain I standing, dating back to the far-off tlmea of Kdward the First, who In I the great hall of Berwick castle-only castle-only a small part of which now re-mains re-mains decreed that llnllol ahould be King of Scotland, s decree which, as every schoollsiy knows, was soon set at defiance by llruce and hla hardy warrlora. On thla outer line of th ramparts still atanda the lower In which the warning mites of the war j bell were rung lo denote the approach of an enemy, an object naturally of great Interest to all visitors to the town. |