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Show Hsr Life for Her Child. j ('apt. Wells, formerly commsndor ot J tho. metropolitan fire brigade of lin-" don, thus describes llio bravoit doed j he over saw: j "The scene was a fire at an ollshop J . M lusiss." Ini ulil- "A woman and Iter two children woro on the top " J floor, and wit Hunt a moment's thought j she snatched up ono of her children. ' aud, lighting ber way down the stair- easo, through smoke and beat, deliver- J ed the child In safety to a pernon In ' tho sir ot. Then she rushed through I the burning shop and up the stair- j rase with a view o' reaching her room. i "She must have reached her child, clutched It, anil tried tn make her s way out. But In the allompt tho do- , voted mother waa forced back, ouly to be found dead by our men. wbo hau Just arrived. Sho waa atlll holding ' her child closo to her, and had evl- , donlly kept her own hack to the names to protect the lit lo one. while her sr.ns and clothes were tightly , round the little one." , |