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Show '.Cs LlaLin of RadSroacl Carves. Dy TT. tt. Cunnlf:". lOSSfJx i:i:Ii: l'IM.MN erne aslil, when "l'l the siir.'l er eiav riding, tii.it the at'i-ivt are ao many ! '. inn keep ih.n'i. "sV 'I 'll lt t'Uf. but the nialli:; of i tlivcs l " m t In-III. fea. no iitn.ier Imw alitlit. have iilwat, l ,.M I a 1.1 ita tins Carats' "f I'"'' elrii'-ri. Th" oilier rnll la miImmI i''"rilius t u, abarpneaa T, of the ein-ve mi. I I lie est I ntrt ti-il apettl uf ' .ilnat Hn.i ,-,. ,-I)Illti Viatatfel ii. A mile n inliitite 1 1 ii I ii on a one J-B- om e iit'i .U mi enter mil live In.liea higher than Hie Ituvr rnll; n alower train n lower elev.it leu. It la eienr fntui thla rsiitniiiitloii Hist a tmin K;ng fnati-r tin. i the ii.tivlinmu fur u hit h the tiuek la inepnreil would . i,t it n. ,,i. foiiveraely. n nlower train thin th le i,ovltlei for Vnitl.l Krliul the tlniiuea efl Ita n beela. Any rotiil ittuat atrlke n aei-vlci'iil.le avemite for ti n Inn of vni vnig Ki.ei ila, ami elik'itieeia limit linme their loeomotlvea aronttd the eurvia na cloap lo It na (aiMilile. That puis an inevitable cheek le,. Ti,e Kiiiplia Stnte KxpreH onei- inniln a htttat for two nillea St "le ri if lo.- mllea nil liuur on a atriilKhtney aeetloti of trnik. A heavy curie wuuM have sliut the etiulne ut that lop ocil a itbiiter of n uille 'i-ro eouutiv. On uwl roaila, however, alsty nillea nn hour la iiilte anfe, though very ce-iir. To iM-riult an. h a;iei il the riiKliieera of the last few yesrp, in lelaying irarka, Inatead nf alnrlliiL a true circle curve with the aiitlilen lift of the outer rnll that causes the Jolt ami lurch that traveler know, have laid all, hi parabolic curve from a point a hundred ynrila back on the atrnk-nt track, and have e.e-vnted e.e-vnted the outer rnll ImiK-rceptllily nloim that curve tn the mmiiumii. '1 he re-nit re-nit of the device In practice nulle new-haa been the aiiiiilillnilon of curies na recnnl a pnaaenger'a aenaea. With eyes shut ho cannot led wlicllu-r Hie track la atralcht or curved. World s Work. |