Show JMUOATLON MATTKK Irrhlh In lumon Connl7 Tor several ywrawo Imveltad partial lltirr of optln 15055500 olmttty anti wIllie thoM eotidltktnii imtjr new again twist they urn llnltlc I to occur nt atiT time and In view I of each powlbUI ties tliu farmers of IHtwaon county have titki n Mi pe to fortify ngnlnH ro irrlng disaster U their crop liuluw tries rltIt mat its ssket ran Ihh bo dun I la I iwer u fur as Dawwn cimnty merriiid I It ran bo ntoltlml Hut some mi fink will It Iy to Irripitc rclng no have only nil ocwiMflunl ninth Now I wUli In my Hint I have 1Id In Uiinmin county for till ears end out of thw trnjmnCwo here hull IIIlr failure In Mo to til aiidwtinwy ytil lor while wo did horn Mine lhhtget notlilnif compared to a full crop Thrif hu IHH n only about one ear in the ten thntwi could claim a full crop Hut tree Oil I The only ntiMn that till county doe not pro dare n good full crop ovrryear is l be pnno of n lick of nioMuro And no Hill In merlcn tv 1 n5 productive p5 thli s Illi nil llltlo labor Vet no inn n ought to expect to rite n fowl crop any where without proper cuUlratlon In vlw of nil Hit will It troy to Irrigate I mil told liy tho host of Irrigation nrincnj tint thy can produce n tlilril lore In any eor by nppllnB plenty of water If title he I the fact nod I be molt Kit I wrtalnl w 111 fay to Irrl gale and In doliigBo there In no worry ng over the thought of n failure There nn to no failure If u man linn ic > wntcrnnd will apply I It lint In Irrigating hI > 11I11 alllllfllll that If you unilertiilio to Irrlgnlo on n largo 1 stale r peclall In tlie start jon lire euro tu 110 dlwippolnled It will take iractlco and vxprrlenou to make n mo eras In thU nit will as nnllilng III lw Ni commence by taking n small acreage acre-age and an on U mine fninlllar wltli I the work oor Irrigation i mid to jour cmigo ll > practicing jon will noon 111111 out how iiincli you ran Irrigate with profit and nfti r 3011 have found lilit mil If you have more land tlmn you can Miwwifull Irrigate ills WHO of It and give Mime one nine I n liance 1J I Koih > lngou will not ml > ho making a miemn for J ourwlf lint 3ou as ill build up the conutry by add log to Hit pupulatlon I and Increasing our nclirhlxir nnd bring them closer t oion clI t iIII fir Utter to hat o Is mail farm well Improved nod out of debt when 3011 till Iw nmtiml of plenty tlinn t have n largo farm In debt palnif t all you raise n InUriStto oimUxlj I eW Nothing makes u man ho imp y nn huvlngii home Mirnmndtil avid plsoly uml I being out of debt Nuty ate to the omit nnd fnellltlcn of rrlgutlon Wo have In thU country I four iiullu cult nclvu nnlcnnof Irrlgit tIme Hie Tanners and Murliintu Ctunil Irrigation min taut aid lothen burg 1over and Irrigation I i company I nsliliiit ootluri > iiiall illlcliiK hlc are local nnd from tight to ti n mllcii mig lid there In I unotlur large ditch company known nn the Lincoln and DjwMin COlin I Irrigation com puny which In I now In pnxtuiofcon Mructlon I Mo lost ditch no doubt will lot eompktidln time to Irrigate he coming crop The Uiuid ditch tupn ho Ilatte river near liithcnburg Its nail irate h I ilchU tlirlit fet wide the floor of the head gain Is I tM fret tide below low wntcr ruorkltworklnlt capacity fossil cublo feet Ir second I which at the rate of one cublo fixv per sound for lIch i Iglit acre will water 48500 norm Land under till illlcli hili gradual Mope from north to south of live to tin feet to the mile and from the went to the oust of about seven feet Tills company has n pcld up capita of 8100010 and la I und < r the maiiagt mcnt of JU 1lIrllllI who U doing everything In his power to ulvanco the Interest nol only of the company but its patron The former inanngunen of this mmtany was In lutuds that hod Ilh Ih not svorkeoI to the best III interest of cltncr tlio company or III patrons and tl tltr this l rctardid the IIICCIM that It other I wlto would have had Hut under its present inunagi and the trcatmcn IIIIV offered to the farmer under the ditch there lino reason why every OliO Imuld not bo witUlliil The Outhcnbiirg Power anti Irrlga tlon oomnanr less under its ditch abou 90000 to 33000 acre that can be Irr gated from IU njiiUm Tills duel la I tvrcntjclght tolls long baa Its tublatrrnl The held gate U Mxt > four feet wide anti glveun uniplo ui ply to Irrlgitn all the liim uniler Iho illtch Thl county I managed by Mr R 1C 1 ainbolil anti from every mill ca tinlao t giving good 1 MitUfiictlon carile Fanner and MirilmuU Irrlifn tloncomMiiv tap the Ilntie river I ju > just south t of ore Ito head gate is nliuty fict wide capacity COO cable feet per M conil total length of rana and lateral 1 ntnuty i Ight mill abou lialfof whkh ore iiovcompletd the rot v ill be cromlcd l to completion tills spring uml whin completed will Irr i gate about 07000 act lliUcomiuin I I ki em to bo giving goal MitUfuctloi 1 and U maiiagi d by Mr 11 I 1P Ilarton I I tYW its vice p pleases I ant man to deal with and who 1111 doubt will truit the patron of th company In every way that will gal their confidence The Orchunt and Alfalfa Irrtgatlo company he I onned by home capital and is I managed IX I II urn who 1111100 farm undi the ditch send who hOl worked with untiring energy to Snake ll lt a success of this home entirprl1 Wltlle this county did not get water turned Into tho ditch until about Jnly hit yet tlioio that avallol 11 > mwlir of the water supply even at that laic day made It iwj The main canal is twelve mile long l besides I I its lateral I and is I able to water nlxmt IS CXKI scree Tho other two ditches IIrt able to water from 10 030 to nOOO acre each 1romUII nlmve ixktnm of IrrlgatU we will Ixi able to Irrigate thin year In I DawHon county ninrli sooooo aino Ines J but inanyar Lthu > ltutlni ulxiu taking system It Is I my opinion that the I ijultktr every man avails lilinul I If of this oixirtunlty I the IK J ttir for l6rr lino such thing no IlIlIuro If eater rlll be had and is I propurly a plied Tile II ioi average cost of n water right I it l fM 1wr I lien and tills ran Iu paid In ulgl aniinnl pajmrnlK And whtn thi ha I paid the fiiniur 1155 a rrpituiil water supply with un onnual tux to keep relllllr LI Iew If 1 one th111 more crop can be rniii b tin Hpplkatlon of water In ii el Isarv itir and it full PIl tan I Yes rcd m llmil uf tlniuth is tda rJ nl ilnhl oas n light torn if I arndaae t i take water 1a nn I lhsr that liave been onS1 I 1kv tInt we 5511 not far en S went In 1 halo In ilrpvnd on len I gsi Ii 1 ° Oll I hove yet bravilj ovt r tholIIId 111111 m nerdy h Jln Ibo Irrlgtt KkDst IH II ting that It mil innki urasjmj m of tin first In the tale as It lit priilmtit I if the M 11 With thrtt apt lm ut Irrigation nlrrdy 1Oc1ftit1 I and titln m In oonlcmpui llpjijmien < h t r IMrkta fall wr eit OIIIJIr thrir HitiiU and reap I the belie III ltning fnnn lliilr tlvuMiid for seithlk us of astrrwe will lever I kno I1 III l is tfall Toll 11111 < of this totinty let mead aa 1 ae wtli haa a ehonce next felt to nlitetNto iiiiMlti as never before w ecta di imniHlntte the advantage of Irrigation Ht Ih stale Irrigation eon vcntV ° Mhllh will Its I held III i one ttmiiti 1r wm hove suet n gnthtr Ing W never lIt Mon iii slur aunty ict every une I r leer to do Its hest to > JrUin Ihr rm 111111I itnlw Mime I Lhlllg to ring Infure the jwoplo and I licrrfnr driiionMratti lht < adVHiitage of r rlKulloo J H lUnlKll Cod Scb |