Show LAUOH NOTES Klght hundred Iloston brewer workers work-ers Imvo left tho 1C of L and joined the A K of L Tho trades unionists of Los Angeles Cal are boycotllngg tho Chinese and Japanese restaurant Switzerland a pure democratic form ot government tins had but 306 strikes In thlrtyllvo years and of there ten were lockouts The bindery girls employed at the Holler printing ofllco Canton 0 went on a 1 strike tho past week for eight hour nnd after much arbitration the girls won When they affiliated with the American Ameri-can Federation ot Labor bit August the American Agents association haul a membership ot 800 now they have 12000 The American Federation of Labor was organized In 1881 and now has a membership of nearly 700000 which Is I far above the high water mark ot the K of L The Central IAhor union of Tort Wayne Ind declared In favor of a municipal electric plant und the effect was that tho lighting firm which now has the contract compelled Its macbln IsU to withdraw from tho union I The Upholsters union Indianapolis Is I only ono month old and has 123 members a majority of tin trade In the city The barbers waiters and harneumakera are orgaulilng and the I I union movement Is I disking rapid pro I jrtu In that city |