Show SIFTINOS I faithful to the IQlttho good jlioe maker The neeret of prolonging llfo la I not to abridge It If a policeman doc not preserve order ho gets Into a pickle How hard the man who paints tries to bring the conversation around to artists ar-tists Speaking about ornithology did you know that lark were bred from mallow mal-low lowA A roan tleeplng where good preaching Is going on must be a good sort of a person per-son A Texas cowboy who was defendant In a breach of promise suit said be was lass sued A akola farmer proposes to cure socialism so-cialism by having tho socialists take land Hut they wont They take beer What this country needs most Is I a practical scientist who can Invent an attachable steering apparatus for cyclones cy-clones Dont worry keep your head cool your feet warm look out for east winds the rheumatism and dysnapsla and do jour level best to the of old age A queer case Is reported from heaver hea-ver Col A man got drunk itole his own trunk and hid It He complained of the theft the property was recovered and he was made the prosecuting witness wit-ness Tho judgo being a quandry how to treat an novel a case dtcldeJ that tho thtet was not accountable for his act |