Show 7 II OTT wttsre i1 I II Inday atlertsaurl rrtvale I Wr KIoI lev company II Plitwnth try nI1 l hi life wild Ilse Km > Z enen rifleS S Wto 1 K Lhr horekleon the eon gisTlllrl1 Vett and 0rond South 2p Xall bake made an attempt in > r li enb ide Friday allernnon by tak I Infill uamv f tliietnrn ol Iodine be lIAu for the liodyol Itevtel R is1 who wa drowned In Cntinn w i creek 11 ashen cuslnty liar been lUWnneil although mine 110105 ere JijIHIaliied that It may Ui I recovered wlrtn 1 llw high water nlbl1es AI Chihli whn Inoperntlng I Surer hatch Itrnllmr1 ranch heir mllet nnrlli eitofsiH lake Ity In I well plcacd 1 with an ei rlmentnl rrop ol rye which he It growing this w n on land that It I nol lrrltalp1 1 Minplo ol the crop wllslu Ir Childs exIilMtnt iiiMture1 nearly fire and onodalf onl fe and ices u ell developed An unknown man walknl Into Dm Rlier Jonlan near the Whltn brldeo Irl day Ifllonoon alII oclock and wai In staiDly vhlrle1 away by the ruldng waters of the itrMm lo a watery gray Diligent eroreu WM tniih for Dm holy but It 1 mnld not bo found and lilt Men thy will probably remain a myHer until the river gives up ltd dead Tribune Ailtleei from Klllmoro stale that Ihe iloreeCi < org > < Ireenway was miens on lIe night of Juno 7 and Its ale traded from the all Three youn mm Will Aldrlch Todd Aihmoro nllll lank ONeill lIe In Jnll charged wIth tit crime U 1 timid Frank Merrill It ijlrk In the atom gore the k1 01 thin Mora Aldrlch who after Ie hail got tin tin money rofuicil II to divide up and 5 lU Tp edl lle ldr J The little tl > carold daughter IIr I Ifvinenwn reildlnR at Irangrr w ilhli morning I rellcrcl of a tapewnr nieMiuIni Hfty felt This inonnlcr wn pled 11111 dlili of warm water 11111 kept alive for over three houri when It sae placed on eihllltlon In front 01 Hit Walker Hmiie ami viewed by hUll dtrill of our cllltoni while the monster eiutlniHsl llu writhe nndtwlt itself Into k Illertlltl William Taik of the Third word lisvo I was trying Sundav aftermio ntar Utah lake to force n bulged cur ridge Into an old brechlondlm nrMy rife with n 1 piece ol hard wood when lbemrtrldgeexplo and iaphece loan I lo-an ugly and dangerous wound In ark right Ann Just etcher the armpit nether pluti tore old the lltllo finger fe Ida halt hand From the wound III i the arm he bled profusely an the Inn I vela of the arm win ttcicd 1 IIr I I lkob ller the wound not liMiSHMrl l f italrOor Tribune |