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Show . . - X, J m " " THE BINGHAM NEWS i Hicks' Tailoring 520 Main Street, Bingham Gents and Ladies Clothing Made Cleaning, Dyeing and Pressing Alterations Made. Our Work is Guaranteed Give us a Trial. Prompt Deliveries Made U. S. CAFE Under New Management 1 UNEQUALLED DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE C Opposite the City Hall Ball and Beardall, Props. ry ISo Big jf? EDNA FERBER II Upon her first view of & field of c&bbag' H es, Seltna DeJong M exclaimed, "How HI beautiful I" HI The remark was long H a standing joke, one H of the few jokes of H the stolid Dutch vege table gardeners among mm whom she had come i to live. jl But it was an insight to the character and U perception of this uiv H usualwoman, the chief H figure in Edna Ferber's H remarkable book. H The greatest story H from the pen of Edna U Ferber, a writer who has been voted unaiv imously, "the female p O. Henry." Blf Head It as a f Serial in THE BINGHAM NEWS The Elite Cafe Our Motto is to please GIVE US A TRIAL Take one of our Lunches to work with you. They are good Mrs. Nowland, Proprietress Adjoining the Town Hall For Domestic and IMPORTED Groceries Of the Best j and CANDIES too, See Louis DaPra at the i i '. Copperfield Candy Store f Thonel47 j .. , Purest Milk for Your Babies We Furnish You Direct From Our Own Dairy The Bingham Dairy Phone 232 I : : 1 j Bingham Furniture I" ; : . f J Simmon's, Beds Mattresses l IV I and Springs '"jj ff l I Solid Oak Davenports in Gen- - j II J SU-Jpf-i uine Leather. .....$35.00 and up J J flfff raj 1 Dishes, Aluminum Ware, Win (i,y::fiJ ;i I dow Shades, Stoves. if" Ti I We will Exchange New Fur- - U j J niture for your Old. 1 y fi" '""i! : I CHURCH NOTICES L. D. S. CHURCH Evening service on Sundays, 7:30 p. m. Sunday-schoo- l, 10:30 a. m. Primary, Monday afternoons at 3:30. Priesthood meeting on Mon-day evenings at 7:00 p. m. Relief Society meeta on Tues-day afternoons at 2:00. Everybody cordially invited to attend. Holy Rosary Church, Bingham Sunday Masses: Every Sunday, 10:30 a. m. First Sunday, 9 a.m. Copperfield Second and fourth Sundays 9:00 a. m. Sunday School after Mass. Rev. John Lamb, Pastor. Buy Bread that Is Made In Bingham Come in and let us show you how it is made Don't say our BREAD is no good until you have given us a TRIAL Standard Bread Co. Ernest Panieri, Prop. M. L. JAMES. The Home of Radio in Bingham Drop in and hear a Coast Program We carry a good supply of Radio Batteries I Tubes and other Accessories THE UP TO DATE STORE '1 489 Main Street Bingham Canyon (.,, - 1 LADIES If you want your HAIR taken care of Right Call at EDITH and ELAINE'S BEAUTY PARLORS Bingham Bakery Co. 289 Main Street Phone 264M Bread, Cakes and Pastry of all kinds MADE IN BINGHAM We Specialize in Wedding and Birthday Cakes. GIVE US ONE TRIAL AND YOU WILL FORGET THE SALT LAKE BAKERIES. Phone 187 Bingham ' I j Royal Candy Co. j STORE NO. 1, Phone 13 STORE NO. 2, Phone 189 HOME MADE CANDY CHILI, TAMALES, LIGHT LUNCHES ; HOT AND COLD DRINKS ' i i FOR SALE FURNITURE in 39 Rooms of the new Fireproof BINGHAM HOTEL Everything NEW within the past six months. FIRST PAYMENT $2,000.00 Balance in Easy Payments. Our Rooms are Full Every Night Must Leave on Account of High Altitude Apply, Proprietor, BINGHAM HOTEL Main Street Bingham Canyon Citizen's Coal and Supply Co. HANDLES ALL KINDS OF SUPPLIES HAY. GRAIN COAL AND ICE Agents for the Excellent Near Beer Beverage known as A30ftfONCf "BECCO" MgifWOl BINGHAM, UTAH A...- - x,. ....... , ,:!,... " WHEN YOU NEED : j ' MILK FOR YOUR BABIES, ASK FOR V, HOGAN'S CLEAN, WHOLESOME AND INVIGORATLNG i J" Approved by Hugh J. Cannon " Chief Of Dairy And Food Division State Board of Agriculture ,:), - y, : vu: BINGHAM STAGE LINE Schedule Now Effective Cars leave Bingham 8, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 p. m. Cars leave Salt Lake City 7, 9, and 11 a. m. and 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 p. m. Main Street Phone 41 FARES Round Trip $2.50 One Way $1.50 Salt Lake City Office Semloh Hotel 107 E. 2nd So. St. Phone Was. 1069 CANYON LIVERY and TRANSFER CO. FREIGHT And HAULING of ALL KINDS Jim Leva, Manager Phone 186 BINGHAM CLUFF'S LETTER REACHES THE U. S. SENATE Attorney General Harvey II. Cluff's letter on the prohibition cause has found its way into the Congressional Record. The ed-ition of the Record which readi-ed the capitol Wednesday, in the course of a running debate on the prohibitory question, con-tains the following reference to the Cluff letter. The date is March 2, and Senator Bruce, in the course of the debate, said: "From what 1 have seen here I believe that there is not a shrewder people in any part of the country than in the southern part of the United States. "Take the state of the sena-tor from Utah. Unquestionably notwithstanding all the irriga-tion that is and has been carried on there, it is one of the most arid communities in the United States so far as drink is con-cerned. Yet what are the latest facts? Harvey 11. Cluff, the at-torney general of that state, who 1 am assured by the senator from Utah, Mr. Smoot, is a man of the highest standing, has re-cently made the following state-ment: " 'If prohibition has made popular the hip pocket ilask. It has caused the bootlegger to ilourish and the illicit still to spring up in all sections. And wmle 1 believe Utal is freer from these tilings than most any other state in tiie Union, because ot the diligent efforts of the of-Ike- rs and because of the train-ing of our people, yet I am frank to confess that prohibition in Utah is a farce, and is develop-ing a citizenry of sneaks, and lawbreakers.' "'ilie same story," concludes Senator Bruce, "comes to us from every part of the country. I do not imagine, for instance, that the senate of the state of Nevada would be calling for a repeal or modification of the Vo-lstead act if that body had not become impressed deeply with the evils and abuses of the pres-ent system. Basket Ball The Utah Copper Basket ball team defeated the Utah Apex five here in a closely contested game on Wednesday evening at the Bingham High School Gym. The score was 43 to 39. In the first half the Copper Boys lead 28 to 19. Dow, White ly and Dunn did good work for the copper boys while the Spen-cer twins still kept their repu-tation with the Apex boys. The next game played between these two popular teams will be play-ed at the Gemmell Memorial Club Saturday night (to-nigh- t). The score Utah Apex G. T. F. P. L. Spencer, rf 2 4 3 7 S. Spencer, If 6 4 2 14 Jones, c - 2 4 15 Larsen, rg - 4 0 0 8 Anderson, lg 2 115 Totals 16 13 7 39 Utah Copper G. T. F. P. Whiteley, rf 6 3 2 14 Dow, If 4 4 3 11 Dunn, c 5 0 0 10 G. Knudsen, rg 2 115 Sadler, lg ...0 0 0 0 E. Knudsen, lg 1 2 13 Totals .16 10 7 43 Referee Cannon Lund. Umpire Tommy Fitzpatrick. NOTICE Will sell or trade for Bingham Property 26 acres of GOOD FARMING LAND. Located at American Fork, Utah. For par-ticulars apply at this office. |