Show e U L m I The monthly tnu ting of the H II I which wits held Wednjiidar VlJIIIIIII sit I the rvildemoof < Mr end Mm htndon 1 was a grand success Tho program was one of miutuat h ntrrt o i mul It It no > avger lluii 141 hut It WM itndered In u munuerwhlcii Will u credit lu CoaMllv Thu first lumber wat a beaullfuldiKt Ijihl of Swallow sung by Mrs Ihuckeu md I Curl Alllxin Hon Alum rldmlgu I follimvd 1 with an iccuunl ol h trip from lUio to On gun and thenru lu Hun Francisco Hit the icrlpllont of sane through whlili u uurul would paM on tint loulu mere so lvil that hi hearers iilmuit leis Unit they had giiteilHItli lliulr so not < tuii the lofty lummltof Ml llooddv < cvndii this ColnmbU Ithur Lieu roiked by the nateiol this Iiillle Ilidnxl the tioldvn data sod Olnwl ill the Iulacu Hotel in ban rrantlHi ihu prugriM I In literary vuliiire tin club It imtkuiK wamlncwlky IU < lmlir > who Mote In IU C MUII holt ofluiuul Itasaysuraddres Mn 1 Kldrwlgv Ivl l l south u well wrltltui shot cxcawtliigl I inl iu tlngcuiu > arlKinol Ds1wsthec l < and Clf ru Mrs Thaefctrr tollnweil with an i iwx untlllxil Uunwn In Huclul wlmi I win Kra > fnl and cunUluetl wise in thOUIillll Mrs Iliiitmera teeny wn on Thu Mnelivnth Century It Him ably written and lontulniil iiiuili MilnuMu Information Mil Northcottchooefor her nubjicl Joiephlne nnd gave II m cry rorreil dullnettlon of the cliurucler ol this wonilcrlulglfltditndmoitnohl < < voiiiin Mm Northcottt able ndlreM will folloHiMlb Mrs Ctflllt on The only Ufa and Marriage of Qiuun Victor ol KngUind which piovd an intiriitlng BUUJPCt > A trio was tin ntiimt by Mrs North coIL with Mr and Mrt Oalllt entitled I Itoees and Ylolett which was most kindly rircUcl by the company I The tweet old HOUR Hen Holt imig by Mrt Thackeray who played her awn accojipanlmtnt conrlinleil n program pro-gram whiih was pronouncfd 1 a mot m c ressfut one I The Illnettol Mrt 1lnneo whli h pro vented tlio attendance of herself and husband was greatly regretted by the club clubDelicious Delicious refmluimntii were diipuntl In abundance by the bOlra aid rllh ment committee alter m hick the tim pined pleatantly And merrily thu IJ oclock the hour for adjourning M rle l before any one was aware of It The club tvpnrnled In high spirit with bright anticipations fur the fntuie of the B i U h I The next meeting of the ludlcn I will b e at retldenca of Mn leo Ohon A han |