Show A L 1AIIIlOu CO dillIN KXECUTKII 1T II Itranrh an rJP WHII 0e I II 1Ilontue lara The Itandnlph ItoundUp tell of the wntenceof 1alrlck Oouglln In the follun liiK language I IIKKMIIMHMM At 10 a m Xnctdiiy the prielunrr nm brought before edge Hurl for the purponvof hearlnir Jite and time fur execution exe-cution The prisoner stood up and the Judge raid In sentencing him It In I thenlure ordered mid adjmljtvrl that mi Patrick Conglilln Ire l taken from hence to BOIIIO plate confinement until rite day the lth day of Deceinher Not Jnll1 between the hour of 11 oclock In the forenoon mid 1 2 oclock In the afternoon of the Mid hm nniiHd I Uv in the yard nf the jilt or place N hr you site 41411 i third or In Pole other private place I i1t1III the judldnl district ou bu I dull until Jon are dead C uhghn toml up tingly while the dread wiitvne No tirononncnl and betrayed no emotion 1ltlUr vxceptlmtu slight preiplra lion which tnrteil out Oil hlf forehead After nniencti bud been pronounewl 1 tint pn uii > r in ucool and deliberate inin Her mid How miny days In that Judtfj J n lire Hart lepKd Six t Culilihlln That Imery Ihte tune I win iilluMcd i forty diiit before and I luuu relnlhii I rant to rev tome of whom live 1000 lullet tour here fheiirr Dictation moved the prisoner In tin mlditol lilsimileiiiiloin turns iv IIIIT Promptly at ID a m Aloud i > mornlnc the prisoner wan broiiiiht Info court The J111140 C II Hurt orderil 1 the prisoner In stand up I prUoner replied re-plied 11 I 1111 hen thee > ir ors taken ilf Micrll liHkxiii tulles d him of the uidiiille and be steal up Illit appearance ap-pearance created Pill prieu nA the people generally had Ixtn lot to Iwliexuhy list Silt IJIHHKIWI 1 that the pripum r WH u premattiitly old liraI ended man lie lend ofuhlrh npiwarml u stall young nun ullh lulr blaek an Jut If bellow i any tray hair on his head they urn not muiCHble at a < Btatlre of Also 1 feet TheprhMiiicr wan remanded until 10 Wiilnvnlu niornliiL when the dale and lime fur ixecntloii wiinld In I fixed Caught npiNarerl cool and col lwli l And Inn leafy vole wild lie tad Aid an Httorne jnoo 10 iewrecnt bin and that he uxwlttil him to Ut here |