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Show - n,,Ber "chinirt (DAT.VTJ.TfT! TIMES. "ve,T man ahould raskJ. Kin c see is now The Crescent-Silve- r on beiors Judge Miles io trait lake. Tli Salt Laka Temple will clo$e on COALVILLE, FRIDAY. DEC. 18, 1896. tmuvi ' Wo. awe r.T no o Pwrs City U Ww.tA,oEchO..., I...... ( Janary iiuviiiioiiipitTrioiiioOiw 0 a.t,Wl Ha. 4. eveniag of Thursday, fiecemher 24, 1896, and reopen on the morning of Monday, coaiviu. la. l,Wm Etl and scientific . 4, 1897. m. The Coalville Mutual Culture Class wiD meet Tuesday evening next, for fhe m. purpo? of considering the proportion Her Cwal la Isaall C The following item concerning a new coal measam bring discovered in this county is taken from Tuesdays Salt Lake Tribune. If true, and we hay no reason to doubt it, it mean a new avenue of wealth provided the coal proves to be of good quality : ' With a lump of oal which be saya was dug by him from the Wandering Boy in Summit county. Careless Caro returned to the city yes terday arid,! making an effort to' interest capital that his reported find may flgw . Aatkortiad t.rrwMH.it w4 fur Th , Wsuahin HoTUvtlie - Optra Echo WaaaK'h Cm)ikd M.ntau date. N I.. Mitchell H -- .. ... j BsdC.DVon. Wys. ... tkllltam Brrwrr ' Jtarph B. Hall Aina LuuUra L. Van awearluxni A. it. A4ty Church Dirotory. L1TTKK-0A- MAtST. Wabd 8 act ament Meeting Every Sunday, at 2 p. m. F. II. Wright, Ires. Sabatii ScjkmU. Every Sunday at 10 a. in. Geo. Heard, Supt. firt Sunday Fast Motikb-Ev- ery at 2 p. in. Bishop. (iENKlUL JWESTIIOoI) MHTI.NO of the Ward.-- !' irat Sunday of each month at 4 p. m Ktniiop. Aakonk: rwKrnooi Meeting Every Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. Bwhnp. RruK.y Society Meetings Every first Thursday at 2 p. tn., fn Academy Builds ing Elizabeth Lusty, lre. M. M. I. A. Meetings Every Sunday at 7:30 p. ui. B.B. Copley, Tree. Y. L. M. I. A.Marrixua Every MonBarber, ires. day at 7 :30 p, ro. Eli Pkimabe Meeting!. Every f rid y at 4:30p. m., in Academy Building, Maggie Salmon, Brea. Choi a Pbac-wEvery Thursday at 7:80p. m. J, W. bimister, Chorister' John Smith cauie up from the liver yesterday with a string of trout, and in less than half an hour the creek wg Jilted w uh fishermen. We failed to see any more catches, av most of them re turred the hack way. The people of Murray are interested in the disapearance of Mrs. Suudell of that place, who has nol been seen since Sunday. She is 35 years of age, has five children, grid her husband is employed at the Germanu smeller. Herald. bird hiered week. . Castello, of Ctstello A Wilson, Fait Lake, was in town this week taking orders fa his cigars. JJ-r- ittiJQvtXQ'Cv$MIvr.Ii5L&i' tw flflQ'"FVil'l, ttf M1Wt44VJyaKa1 lobe fcbfg as the biggest, systematically developed. Caro reports that fur several weeks he been has driving a tunnel into tue measure, and that at a distance of fuurteen feet he baa exposed six feet of bituminous ceal, fifty pounds of which, he says, was brought ly by him and will For sevenbe put on exhibition teen years Caro says be has been aware of the fact that a coal measure existed in the sandstone maiiuli he claims to have uncovered it. Caro claims to have been the discoverer of the I.ui kv Boy coal mine at Coalville and to have parted with it for $1500, an act that he will re gret the balance of his hie." The above ia from the Park Record of last week. T! e party mentioned seems to be unknown hers, and the location of ins coal bedpans also a mystery, though, the exirtence of the mine is more than proiisble, as there ara immense deposits of coal ail over this region. with iciatives and friends W.H. Bennett was up from llenefer yesterdav with a load of his Bertshirs , mr the Coalville market. Ball of Wasatch was ia Coalville J. 8. yesterdav on business. He made Tub Time s but pleasant call. br-g- s y. to me that two weddings are shortly to take place ia Coalville, both the parties being well Court. known. The bird said that perhaps a la the case of the State vs. Saouiel new teacher or two would soon be engaged in our public schools as a lesult. Matthews, indicted for the crime of rape And the bird said, there is another on on Miss Maria Taylor at llenefer last the arguments tf counsel on the list, hut I will not give Hubert both sides were heard Friday night. The away jujt yet. arguments on both sides were masterly Metier Stallings sent us down some efforts,' and the case was stubbornly specimens of ore taken from one of the fought from start to finish. On SaturBeavercreek claims, which are now to day morning Judge Miles delivered his be seen in our show window. A report charge to the jwry, alter which they rereached us this week that he had en- tired for deliberation. Ami they evicountered rock that surpasses anything deliberated, for they remained dently CONOBEQATWN At, CMIKH, In point of riches that has ever been a out all day, and ienly" arrived at Preaching service every aeeond Sun- found in that district. It is on one of verdict at 8 oclock that evening. The day evening. Sanday School every the claims of the stock company which verdict returned was assault with inSunday at 2:30 p. jn. Y. 1. S, C. E. has recently been incorairated. after Sanday school. tent ta commit rape. The penalty for thia r Geo woe II. Peikt, Pastor, E. II. Rhead and Frank Evans of crime is from one to ten year imprison548, E 4tb St.,Ugden. Coalville, George Young of Wanship ment. Sentence will be passed on tbe and John Paskelt of llenefer have been 2 5th, inst., to which time court Imard for tba examination appointed of applicants to the B. Y, Academy from a. n. L. thii county. A new feature haa been me The monthly ting of the 8. B. L. added to thii institution, A preparaw hich was held Wednesday evening at tory course for young men advanced in the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wheadon years, but backward in education, will was a grand aucceaa. commence on January 4th. This court) The program was out of unusual la (or the sole purpose mentioned, that and it is no exaggeration to eay interest, of aiding all those whose education, that it w rehdered in a manner whicn through necessity, circumstances, or was a credit to. Coalville. The first otherwise, have been neglected, and is number was a beautiful duet, Land of a most commendable feature and one the sung by Mrs. Thackeray that no doubt will betaken advantage and Swallow, Carl Allison. of. The board of examiners vill hold Hon, Alma Eldredge followed with an an examination at the Brick school w Mrs. Uortio of Rock port was visiting ' frieads in Coalville this week. Mr. K. McLaughlin of Park City haa been a resident of Coalville this waek. Mr and Mrs. 8. F. Atwood of Kamas were among the Coalville visitors this 'MV crplMti.if, 'fjroWimri-'.'ir- t . OrMirmk Heoster expeq,ntt.4v F Lyoua tockport ' yry the, of 'the Cash Bargain J. the Store hn au announcement, Husp O til t page in on advertisement the nrantaa large Hiurj ..tteoriis W t mu tbia iaoie. It ia in relation to hia cash . . Charles H. West ... , John Clark order for merchandise hook, and will C A. Callta 0 k.U. Brimm interest you. Ruth Kill Mr Kama. Oa.tr) Aaanta Times. Io d FfBIOliL. R.J G. George E. Ford, representing Dunn A i i. , was in Coalville a couple ef dav s this week gathering information for hi. hi m. lelt for Salt J. L, Lake uiattend a meeting of the State Bharmav eutical Board, of which he is secretary. John Bovden, who for tke past six weeks las been serving on tbe Federal petit jurv, returned Wednesday, hia labors there. J. C. Williams of Centerville, Davis County, was in Coalville visiting relatives a couple of days thia week. He starts on a mission to Great Britain on January 18th. ness. LOCAL SMITHS. J. II, Ball has o new ad in this issue. Bltnpson A Swainson are building au 1m house ia the rear of their saloon, Janies Welsh was fined $100 by the court ia Fall Lake fur unlawfully cut. '. ting timber, , Preparations for a grand time at the - ball on Christmas ever are under way. ' See small bills, A SacriNMtfa! Operation. A. hot box on one of the cars delayed Dr. J. llsomer of Salt Lake and Dr. the Echo . train here a short lime J. E. Hosmer of Coalville, performed a most difficult and entirely eui'ces-fu- l Wednesday morning. nn Alfred Stones, the 13year-ob- i Iter-or- t Operation is Coalville liable to y.iys that of James Runes lu'thjs city sou be ail! ic ted w ith a Scandal which is liaThe boy was suffering Friday, $lat ble to break out at an y time. from appendicitis in its most aggresThe program for Christmas exercises sive form, and a bad state of decay waa ' which was promised us, and which we found when the diseased member was intended to print if we got it, we did reached. It baa gone ae far that the net get. physicians were fearful of the results, W. H. Smith caught a trout Saturday but at this writing the patient ia relast tfct weighed 3.V powads. It waa recovering at a remarkable speed. a)t Lake makes a served for breakfast at the Weber Dr. Hornier of Heuse. specialty of targery, and is wonderfully and successful in that line. David ('addict haa been engaged to expert When most needed it is not unusual for light and tend the street lamps. He ia new engaged in . erecting them at the your family physician to be away from various points. home. 8uch was tbe experience of Mr. J. The Leap-yea- r ball given by the Y. Y. Pchenck editor of the Caddo, Ind. Ter., Banner, when his little girl, two L. K. M. L A. it the talk for move a on la a years of age waa threatened with a aevere Girls, get eight years long time to wait for another opportun attack of croup. He aaya: "My wife insisted .hat I go for the doctor, but aa - By- our family physician waa out of town I We are pleased to note the evident im purebred a bottle of Chamberlains provement in the health of Thomaa Cough Remedy, wboch relieved her Ball, lie makes a trip down town pot be without it in early every day ' now, a pleasure of the future." 25 and 60 cent bottlea for which he has been deprived for many ale by John Bovden A Son Druggists. ' ' A -- months. Georgia Edgington and Nellie Rhoads, who are attending school in Salt Lake, nod Freddie Edgington, now in the 8 c red Heart Academy, Ogden, are ex train to spend the parted on holidays at home. Miss Lillian and Flora ciuff, also attending the latter erhool, will be borne on Thursday next to remain for a week or ten day. t L. I, I. Bwwdar knlM Elder C. A. Calhs read a portion of the 12th chapter of Hebrews. taking his text from the same "The teachings of Apeetle Paul," wpon which bespoke In a magnificent and instructive manner. He also spoke on the word of wisdom and prayer. Bp. Atwood of Kamas made the cloving remarks, regarding "the enemy sew'' We received this week a copy of the ing tares la the hearts of the children of B. ' Mining and Scintifiic Press published at God. 8sn Francisco, r It is by no men as a new Absolutely pure, perfectly harmiese paper, but has been published long and invariably reliable are tba qualitiee, hold front to rank among Jour- of One Minute Cough Cure. It never enough nals devoted to ecieace, mining, etc., fails in colds, croup and lung troubles. like it because it is pleasant In fact It is the oldest mining Journal on Children to taka and it helps them. John Boy den American and one that A Son. the Continent, ' ' Ilosn erS essay was on "T- l.It was ably Nineteenth Century. written and contained much vlu-G- Je information. Mrs Northcott chose for her subject Josephine." and gave a very correct delineation of the character of this wonderlul, gifted and most noble Mrs. Northcotts able address was followed by Mrs. Call is on The Early Life and Marriage of Queen A ietona of England" which proved an interesting Subject. i i , , trio was then 'sung by Mrs. North-cowith Mr. and Mrs. Callis, entitled Roses snd Violets, which was most kindly received by the company The sweet old tong "Ben Bolt, sung by Mrs. Thackerey, who played her own accompaniment, concluded a program which waa pronounced a most successful one. The ill ness of Mrs. Pianeo, which prevented the attendance of herself and husband waa greatly regretted byj trie club. Delicious refrshmanU ware dispensed in abundance by the hostess and refreshment committee, after which tbe time passed ae pleasantly snd merrily tha 12 oclock, the hour for adjeuroing, arrived before any one waa aware ef it. Tbe club aeparated in high spirits, with bright anticipations for the future of the 8. B. L. The next meeting of the ladies will be at residence of Mrs. Geo. Olson. A as tbe papers stated,. andjjhat. bevvaa alone with the roobh the other elders having left for Arizona with Mr. West, wbowHiill. a Ms was taken to sapper by tbe mob at IAve0, fter which he was put on rtiietran with a ticket to Chattanooga, Tenri. He says there were about 300 met In the mob, a number of whom in Mile great threats of violence should he return to Snawanee County. He sayi about 590 people gathered at the depot to see him off, and many speeches were luade by the leaders condemning him and his belief. Ma ny wanted to hear him speak, but the leaders were afraid to allow it for fear he would gain the sympathy of the crowd. This is the fourth mob he has had to deal with, but he has been in no wise injured. On the other hand, he said he bad tbe sympathy of w great number of them. Another letter dared one dav later frotffJagper, Fia. staths that he sold his ticket for Chattanooga, and that he would leave for Snawanee V alley. that night. Hrhavaome friends there and will probably remain a week. Ife sta'e he is traveling in disguise, and will have twelve converts come from Suawanee unity to lie baptized. Jlo reports tlst he is well, feeling all tight, and riot at all discouraged. Major C. T. Iicton is manager of the Suu, 1Iotd, at Denison, Texas, which eIi h MV ig Sne of the In ipeakinK of hlt Cholera and Chamberlain's. Colic, Dirrhoea Remeby Major lictonsays: 'T have used it myself and hi my family fat seveal years, and take pleasure tn mg that I consider it n infallible cure for diarrhoea and dysentery. I ad- minigtered h to my guests in the hotel, taj jn every case it has proven itself For worthy of unqualified endorsement. sale by John Boyden A Son Druggists. lt . , A j In the future as in the past. Will Meet any and all competition In Prices - ON - Dry Goods, Way c ro.., (ia., December 9th. ' In Ins letter be states that the condition of affairs was not nearly as bad - u Mrs. , ' . Utter From W. G. Fisher. Mrs. Mary Fisher, mother of W. G. , Fisher, who is on a mission to Florida, and of whom a dispatch was printed last week with regard to the action of tbe mob, received a letter from him dated ' In 1892 Mr. A, L. Uoldwater, who owns three retail drug stores in New York City, having learned of the great value of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for colds, wrottpand whooping, ordered a aupply for his customers. It met with so much farorthat he soon found it necessary to order more, and during the w inter sold over two gross of the remedy, lie says it gives the best ytislsction of any cough cure he has ever handled. For sale by John BoynetiA bon Drug-gts- t. 7 - -- - account of a trip from Echo to Oregon, and thence to San Francisco. His descriptions of scenes through which, a tourist would pass on this lOute .were so vivid that his hearers almost felt that they had gazed with their own eyes ou the lofty summit of Mt. tlood, descended tiis Columbia River, been rocked by the waves of the lacific, entered the Golden Gate and vlined at tbe lalace Hotel m 8a n Francisco. The progress in literary culture the club is making was evinced bv live gave ill MU tv.i-iuorigmul essay or addresses. Mrs. Eldredge led with a well written and exceedingly interesting comparison ot Ilemostlienei and Cicero. Mrs. Thackerv followed with an essav entitled "Woman in Society which was graceful, and contained .nine hi thoughts. n - is againsmiling C William Ha.elton through t lie window at the U. P. depot in this city. He will remain for- - a mouth or longer this time, while Mrs. Wbeadon is enjoying a vacation. John hpriggs, who for some time past has been in the Deep Creek country ejecting a saw mill, is in Coalville this week visiting friends. John reports that the mill will sco start up for busi- e house on the 28th inst. THE OLD RELIABLE Vedne-da- v Excuse me, ebeerved the man in spec taclea, but I am a surgeon, and Never that ia not w here tbe liver is. retorted you mind where the liver is, the other. "If it was Jn his big toe or in hie left ear DeWitte Little Early Risers would reach it and shake it for nim On John that you can bet your Bovtfen A Son. Notions, Shoes, Clothing, Gents - ) Furnishings and Staple and Fancy GROCERIES. OPLE'S MER..G0. - ALMA ELDREDGE, po Manager. m Always On Hand at the - - -- - Highest Awarded Honors--World-a Falr. Lump, Stove, $2.25 1.25 CREAM MR Mism, The length ot life may be increased by lessening its dangers. The majority of : MOSt PERFECT MADE people die from lung troubles. Tbeaw Free pure Crap Cream of Tartar Powder. may be averted by promptly nsingOn MiduU Cough Cura. Jehu Borden A rom Ammonia, Alum or any other adulterant bon. 40 Yean the Standard. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY i ; f Weber Coal Co |