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Show oo TWO MEN CLAIM TO BE GOVERNOR Phoonlx, Aria., Deo. 21.Jrepara-tlons 21.Jrepara-tlons are eompleto tor the lnaugunv tion of two men s governor of Arizona Ari-zona tomorrow. Thomas E. Campbell, Republican goVernol-elect, armed with a certificate ef electiom. will deliver an inaugural address sonsewhere 'abeut tk ratehn?e A ruard ef six ! zaei. wh have ben en dutT at the ' ?-TeTOr's office since Saturday, have been instructed by Governor C. W, P. Hunt, it Is said, to keep Campbell away. Geverner Hunt, it was stated tonight, has prspared an inaugural address. Th most interesting development of ty is actios ef the chairman sn4 secretury f the Deraenratir state irenfrsl eeannitteis in rending i I letter te, tie Members of the committee commit-tee ealllgg fer a meeting en January 10 te 4Tlaa whether ths ee,msiit-te ee,msiit-te shell rupport the rerornor. The letter la Interpreted as a repudiation of the govtrnor, in the following lan-guajsi lan-guajsi . "Ws believe tbe welfare of the Drmocratic party and of this state to be beyond the personal w ishes ol offise-holder or caadidate. and we ara i firmly cea rlnood that itn welfare as a party, as well as the interests ol the State, are serioueiy affected by the ex preeie4 ieteetiom of Governor Hunt to refuse to surrender his ofiice to Mr. Pasaphell " The tewn is filled with out-of town a'ibereats ef both Campbell and Hunt, ond there are threats of a rlah to-iaorTew to-iaorTew in the eapitol. The police and I sheriffs efflee aro taking measures te meet any disorder. Counsel for Campbell stated tonight that on Tuesday the matter would he taken into the courts in order that it may be determined who shall be the de facto po erner at the time of the ruetting f the legislature on January |