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Show PRIZES OFFERED BY THE POULTRY MEN OF A. P. A. Walter X I'arr. president of the Weber Coupnl. Poultry association, ha? Issued the nffleial rules of Iho hie show which will be held here during Round-up week, January 22-2R This will be the ftrsl poultry show i r-ver held in ihe state under the strict rules of the American Poultry associa-I associa-I lion The gold and silver medals, which are wreath coveted by poulter-! poulter-! era throughout' the country have been ' ' received and were described in detail in the Standard several days ago. Following are the rules which will govern awards for the various exhibits: ex-hibits: drand champion sweepstakes gold ledal for the best cockerel in a group i ompofiod of the American, Asiatic, Mediterranean. English, Polish, Ham-I Ham-I burg, French game and continental (lasses. A handsome special medial for the , best cockerel in each varietv of the i above classes. Six handsome special medals as I special prizes in the bantam classes. A special sweepstake medal for the I best turkey, the best goose and tho best duck. Handsome diplomas will also bo offered for the best cockerel in all 1 standard varities not herein men-t men-t ioned. The above prizes are offered at this show to be competed for by members of the American Poultrv association. It not a member, write Secretary S. T. Campbell, Mansfield, Ohio, for appli ! cal ion blanks At official shows, where the A. P. A. special premiums are offered, the American Poultry association official premium ribbons will be used. The following cash prizes will be I offered by the association For first pen in each variety ?3; for second pen in each variety, 2, for third pen In each variety, 1; for first cock in each variety, $ , for first cockerel in each varietv. $1; for first I hen in each variety, 1; for first pullet in each variety, 1 ; for second cock in each variety. 50 cents; for I second cockerel in each variety, 50 cents; for second hen in each variety. ! 50 cents; for second pullet in each j variety, 50 cents The special silver trophies have to be won three times before becoming the property of the winner: Weber club sweepstakes pen rup I For best pen in the show, to be won three times by the same exhibitor be- fore becoming his propert Boyle Furniture company pen cup tor best pen of Orpingtons, to be ! won three times by same exhibitor be fore becoming his property. Ogden State bank pen cup For b pen Plymouth Rocks, to b won i three times by same exhibitor before ! becoming bis property, Weber County Poultry association j pen cup For best pen Leghorns, to be won three times by same exhibitor j before becoming his property. Weber County Poultry association I. pen cup For best pen Rhode gland I Reds, to be won three times by the same exhibitor before becoming his property. Weber County Pouliry association pen cup For best pen Wyandottes. to be won three times bj the same exhibitor before becoming his property. prop-erty. Richardson Hunt cup For the 92 points (basis parti-colored solid colored col-ored birds handicapped according l to standard) to be won by the ex-Libit ex-Libit or three times before becoming his property. Weber County Poultry association i cup For the largest and best dis-I dis-I play of solid colored birds in show Weber County Poultry association cups (four) One for best cock in show, one for best cockerel in show, one for best hen in show and one for best pulet In show. Weber County Poui'ry association cup For the largest and best dis- j play of ornamental birds in show. Bosgieter cup--Beautiful silver cup for best White Orpington pullet in the show. Donated by Simon Bos-' gleter The National White Wyandotte club j will offer five fine ribbons on while Wyandottes, one each for the best I cock, hen. cockerel, pullet and pen I Any Wyandotte breeder may compel tor these ribbons by becoming a club member. Eggs will also be entered in the show and prizes awarded on lots of one dozen each. The premiums offered of-fered on eggs is 80 per cent of the entry fee in each class. First, 40 per cent; second, 25 per cent; third, 15 per cent; fourth ribbon; fifth ribbon. rib-bon. Best dozen Plymouth Rocks, any variety; best dozen Wyandottes, any variety; best dozen Rhode Island Reds, any variety; best dozen Orpingtons, Orp-ingtons, any variety; best dozen Leghorns, Leg-horns, any variet) ; best dozen Minorcas. any variety; best dozen Anconas. any variety; best dozm Langshans, any variety; best dozen Campines. any variety; best dozen Anadalusiians, any variety. oo |