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Show BREAKING UP GANG Of SHOPLIFTERS Walter Clark was tried in the mu-I mu-I nicipal court this morning on a charge of receiving stolen goods and his case l was taken under advisement. He was ' arrested in Salt Lake City, December , 28, and brought to Ogden the follow-j follow-j ing day by Sergeant C. P. Fitzgerald. Clark is alleged to be a member of a gang of shoplifters that operated in Ogden during the holidays, and, ac-! ac-! cording to testimony introduced at the j trial, received three packages of jew- elry from "Steeple" Jack Spencer. The Jewelry was identified by Herbert Her-bert Seager as some that was stolen from the Fred M. Nye clothing store about Christmas time. Frank Benton was sentenced to serve teri days at hard labor for con-' duming a "square" meal at the Senate Sen-ate cafe last night and then refusing to pay for the same. The food, according ac-cording to the restaurant proprietor, ! was worth 1, and included an 85 cent T-bone steak. "I couldn't afford to pay for that I kind of a steak myself," was the com-j ment of a svmpathetic spectator to the' prosecuting attorney, following the. j passing of sentence. "He isn't paying for the steak, but for the 'mistake,'"! was the rejoiner. Benton was arrested I by Detective J. L. Hobson. Albert Iverson, a plain drunk, ar-I ar-I rested last night by Sergeant Black-1 burn, was sentenced to serve five .das in jail or to pay a five dollar fine. |