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Show NOTICE OF SALE AT PRIVATE SALE. In the District Court of the Second Judicial District in and for the County Coun-ty of Weber, State of Utah In the Matter of the Estate of David H. Jenkins, Deceased Notice 16 hereby given, that In pursuance pur-suance of an order of the District Court of the County of Weber, State of Utah, made and entered on the 29th day of December, 1916. in the matter of the estate of David H. Jenkins, deceased, that I, the undersigned, administrator ad-ministrator of said estate, will sell, at j private sale, In one parcel or in sep- j arate parcels, to tho highest blddor. on the terms hereinafter mentioned, tnd subject to confirmation of said District Court, the following described real property located in Weber Coun ty, Utah, and further described as I LUIlUtt H All the following described pioce of land, to-wit- Commencing at the Northeast corner of tho Northeast quarter of Section Twenty-six (26), Township Six (6) North, Range Two (2) West, Salt Lake Meridian, running run-ning thence WeBt 13.48-100 chains, chains; thence South 70 3-4 degrees East 15 and 27-100 chains; thence North Five (5) chains to place of beginning. be-ginning. Containing :! and M0 acres, Also: Beginning Eighteen (18) and 3-100 chains East from the Southeast cornor of the Southeast quarter (1-4) of Section Twenty-throe (28), in Township Six (6) North of Range Two (2) est of the Salt Lake M rid-lan, rid-lan, U. S Survey; running thenco North 1-2 degree East Forty (40) chains, thence East Twenty-one (21) and 50-100 chains, thence South Tuon-ty-three (23) and 18400 chains ton section line and to middle of slough); then South 76 dogreoH West Fuur 4i and 75-100 chains, thence South 4 degrees West Throo (3) and 80100 chains; thence South 27 dogrees West Two (2) and 90-100 chains, thenro j South 14 1-2 degrees West Two (8) and 50-100 chains (In middle of ; slough) thence South Eight (8) and 40-100 chains to section line; thence j West Twelve (12) and 77-100 chains j to place of beginning, containing 7.J acres and 64-100, less or more, the slough being part of buundar . Together To-gether with all water rights appertain lng thereto, including 41 shares in the Wilson Irrigation Company. Said sale will be made on or after January 26tb, 1917. Bids will be received for said property prop-erty at the office of Valentine Gideon, attorney for the administrator, at Suite 311 First National Bank Build, ing, Ogden, Utah. Terme of Sale:. 10 percent of the amount of the bid upon the acceptance of the same, and the balance upon confirmation of tbe said sale by the above entitled court. Dated at Ogden, Utah, this the 9th j day of January. 1917. IOSEPH JENKINS. j Administrator of the Estate of David . H. Jenkins, Deceased. VALENTINE GIDEON, Attorney for said Administrator. V- |