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Show 0OALV1IXE. FRIDAY, C. SHOD TIMES. COALVILLE Jan , 1900. K. JONES Editor And Boxineas Manager. at tto ftoafaa to OaaMM. Itta. IIH u XtoanA CtoM 60 Days Clearance Sale of A Fajahlt in Aitw ee. o In Areal L ladies and Gents nrietj of Styles and Prices. Linen and Duck Dress Skirts from 75 cts. up. 1 . U Monika M Month. Bf to CojrtM . 40 , 0 Fine Footwear, Positively at Half Gost. AdnrtWni Rim '' Big Sale Commencing June 11. It Of 7, Wattor. Ttrm of ilvibaortpiton Tatt . 9 i ioehto I a to. X Colona eolama t ana 0 1 I too o t toa 7 It It W tt tol U r It 4001 to. 10 to 00, t to ( It 4 W 23 M, eolunn ! 00; 40 Ml OOI Otl 40 M 77 00 IM 00 oeuta fat Hot lor Oral Loral Botiraa, t cento per line lor tack aubtoqaeat later will bo etrletij aO bored le 10 tuaer-Xto- The material fa these Goods is the Best; the style of toes not being the- latest, is the reason we mak the sacrifice. In this sale we oiler a lot of FINE SHOES tor children, and CHILDRENS SCHOOL SHOES at nut li rare bargains that those who nuts will regret. - tee. gatoTbett roue $2.50 and $3.25 - at $1.25 a pair. One Lot Children s Fine Shoes, 11 J oil $1-0at 75 cts a pair. go One Lot Mens Fine and Heavy Shoes go at $1.00 a pair. One Lot Ladies Fine and Heavy Shoes go at $1.00 a pair. One Loi Ladies' Fine Shoes, - Dress Patterns in Peca and Mor celles. No two alike. M. R. Salmon. Ladies Trimmed Hats 0 COAL YU I K WILL ftOT CELE- BRATE. It it a'ready a well advertised (act that Coalville waa to have celebrated Indc-- . It aetma that the people psndenc 'Lera ft net ally favored a celebration, and vonly.Uit nowtof tbeir good intention baa reached a I in oat every prominent town in the state , for the cyjnmlttee en eer vices, from the moment that the tardy notification of their appointment reached bem have worked with uatiriag seal to noowva opeaker lor the occasion. They have communicated by wire with nine men of prom! nenee. every one el whom eipreesed a wtIHngweee to have accepted the invitation bad they not been pre- r "to Shirt Vaisls si Re r ly. See our Stock of 1 , To every Baby born this year (1900) we will give a PAIR OF SHOES made to order, without any cost, to be made from the Genuine Vici Kid. Call at our Store and leave name of baby ud sin ol foot viously engaged. Other committees have met with eim-Jl- ar difficulties and all because the first ' swore came too late. Banda wereal- - ready engaged and wo music ceald be mecnred ; base ball team had arranged tbeir games a month belore, and the --outlook for successful field eporta waa It wee not dieeoursging. moBseqaently for want of funds that the committees were forced to retract for bnslneaa men contributed quite generously but the first atep toward a celebration towns taken too lata. The committees eshausted every resource, and when it became apparent that they were to meet at beet hat par-Usuccess, and probable failure, they promptly resigned and ordered the inssey which had been oentribnted, re- a good line of We have on sale CASH BARGAIN STORE, Coalville, Utah. ,MM O O BO VRAM EXPtltlENCC . ' AT ooSTu. f Mctoia Wtotoi let Jlctrtea Wor.Sa ra A FREE PATTERN division, in aad for Summit eoon-y-j. Stats Utah. In the matter the estate of Richard Cowcilt, deceased. of pf WiiiiliR Mitwl mm? loploi, f UdnWltyl MSCALLfcJT DA2AR PATTERJI5 0. 1900. Csial . J v Witness the clerk of said court with the seal thereof affixed this 13th day el Jnoe.A Dfl900. W. I. Pact, Clerk. Tha city pApcrs arc all rich! if you thsm, but it ia tbs local paper otkat advartisaa year bosinacc, year tovant ihhi w.u ink siat Kusaia We have a splendid stock of Ladies Mens and Childrens SHOES. For Quality and Prices, will compare with any in the State, .... m m COMPAWT, CUV. RtowtfmrlafwMnssSs ram AT THE 1.50 CASH BARGAIN STORS UTAH COALVILLE, PATRONIZE HOUR INDUSTRY CRfeEK GRASS Weber Coal Co Coalville Co-o- p Has received and will keep a constant supply of a te iVT Creek Stove Coal veil Lump Coal 5150LEREE sIsoowBMHtoxina before making your Get Your I. M) IviMrtb lduy o4 lot Hr Order fixing time for hearing petition for tetters of administration, Upon tsweading and filing the petition of Louise -'Charlotte Oowcill, praying for the is menace to herself of letters of admlnis tration on theestate of the said Richard Cowcill, deceased. It is ordered that ''Wednesday, the llth day of inly A. D '1100, at 10 oclock a. m. a the Oounty 999 lotfW ! thlMpaft. Tbfit mw ftrtt S Httlt otimUMd kilUlw ofoknf 'Court House, in the eourt room e( said taiattrlU&uhMZfl0t 4hW UROTfi, MflM HM IbtlllhMi Mrfwl It. court. In Goal viUu'Oity, Summit county, I Utah, be and is hereby appointed for ethe bearing of tha petition, and that doe f motice thereof be given by publication in the OoaLriu.B Tut is, a new ipaper sprinted and published in Summit couItol H toMkto 0.1; M ul II StoW tork-a- ou nty. State of Utah, for the period of 10 kiaiiar Soto to BtoHr ararraTty aa4tova,ar by mit to said llth day of July A. Ito lav Ik am, Akwlatolv rirj baa aa to 4aM HJlto days prior THI McCALL short Mori0. FDR. Holiday Purchases. $2.25 Lump, Stove, MLGAZIIIE of AND MERCHANDISE MS CALL'S FRO-.fb-at HATS V IWt A GOODS CLOTHING, W.J. WRIGHT. G ibmtaa Pauw for nwHMtoBM. MW( throark Xui nwlw M44M, wttboat skwto to tM Sciir.tinc BOYS Stosvlstkto AsrwtoSSlinasksuasan aar ovmtoa itonkl .A. I NISHING Always On Hand at the Trad Mark Mk frwsrmmA, ffiUaiMWirHI f W toMAkia they did jest the right thing. Better co Jltnasni,)vn fcl V Ut. WsSktostoa, P. 0. Jbave no celebration at nil than a failure. 3Ce onderstaai that the Oity Park is qgwn to the pnblie, and that a da nee y--S WtoMtol to sovr tobtoritov ltoltfl to sand some sportaar annenneed tor after-wnee-n toto to4 UUtotoSkto ftotoaMto u4vkrtoUJ lllunratto,, OrtettoL tototo, antoto. toquW. dZiu lyMik and evening. fN THE DI8TEICT COURT, for both Ladies' and Gents Leather and Vici Kid Shoes. se al SHOE DRESSING HENS AND a && tii iu. THE. ONLY DIRECT UNE. screened $1.25 -- - BIG WEIGHTS $2.00 and Good Serviee. -- TO- wcheols, your cburchcc, your numcrcas Stable and Bunk Room at Mouth of Canyon Only 15 cents. SEim, mociUas, sympcthiscc with you and year mAicUens end rcjoioca in you preaparity. I1ISIS CI.T, ST. LOUIS, taibort. lt ia year local papar tha thousand and one items ia which you ar in tat as tad during tha year and which .reu do net find in tha city papara. Ex. CUBA, V ST. PAUL, CHICAGO, Hay Pulleys, Forks, blCTO Taka up that fat maua burdau , go soak Eastern Points. your shirt la awaat and aaak in vain for Principal cooling brcaaa with lace all atrasmtng QUICKEST wet ; go try to finfi aoma ahady spot where IT MAXY BOCKS. you can sit and stew, and have coma anoocar spring this gag, Is it hat enough ARl PALACKS OX WgllLA, New and Modem equipment. bur--da- n, Taka fat tha maua up JoryouT Doable Drawlag Kooa Palmes lltopra a hundred ia the ehadel Twa Butvl Stooklni Library asm Plvo Rtollnln ebalrMVS hundred pounds af adipose to soak in Ordinary SMptnf ears than car, Jantoaada. Ok, (or one hoar in Klon- j For Time Tablea, Folders, Illustrated dike, oh! for the erctio Ring off Books, rsmphleta, deecriptlve of tha call on your balmy braasalata aad let the bln territory travereed, C, I. WHEADON, Agent, arda blow. Ex. Coalrule, Utah, Rope, Grass Creek Coal Co. Robert Walker. and everything GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Union Paoillc Trains in that line a Oats ''WatmLlfcedLo farmer needs. High Patent Straight THE Dealer in TIME u tnoi eoAbvibLE. eo-op- : .Grade & Family Brands. lUBltctwed ty Fecrj A ImI, Ogdea. |