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Show The Contention9 s ; JVfomineef. Biographical JSfotes ibotxt McKJntey and 'Roos&OeH. The Itcpubllcnn national convention of 1600 ni the shortest on "record, when hours of (line that It wa In ses-lion ses-lion aro taken Into canililcratlon It was called to order nt 12 31 Tuesday, and at 2 30 p. m tcok n recess to Wed. nesday nt noon At 3 , m Wednesday Wednes-day n reccs was tnken to 10 30 Thura-day. Thura-day. At 2 30 on Thursday Hi work win done and the convention was adjourned sine die. No national convention con-vention ccr conmuned leu tlmo In hours Of course the work ot the convention conven-tion "laid beforo If bo to put It. There was not the alichlr-et doubt on any point except the vlco presidency, and ai noon as tho delesateit brgan to arrive ar-rive Hint doubt was dliipelled Hooeo-veil Hooeo-veil wan tha choice ot nearly every detccitlon for second plnce |