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Show UTill STATE MEWS. Hj Two net i-aae of troallpol have ap- Bj pearnl In I'tlrvlew, ftH Cherrlrt art rlHi anil n abundant H crop I being cMbered H lliejurln lh II II. Hubert ea H relunml a vrrdlct of guilty. Hj Work ha liiin pu a liaiiilnie new H brisk eehool Iioum- a 'I hlstle m Die contract liabct let firallJ,6t EH school liiiiixt at Palrvlev, work to be OflB finished by Janunrjr I HR The grand Indira of (lie Knight nl H I'jllilaa it In Hall Ike tail "ink ami Hj elected olrleera fur th ensuing trar H Out of twenty-ulna npilloMtilr who H recently underwent III teachers' ex- M amluallon at Murray, mil live- missH. H On July till thn Kin Oraiiiln'UroUrn H will be realy to la tint traek on tin ShS eiteutlon front lllkiia lo Marysval H The amiiMl reunion of the ) anil H Datiglilrra of the l'loner m held In H 1'lcaaant drove, Utah eon my, I'riday Last Jrar tbern nat alilpuel front H Dese ret tlilrtyflvti ear of lurvrn awed, grown on what iros but a fan year ago desert M The jury In Iheeaaeof Nlek llawortli. H charge wild kllllnic Thumaa HamUI. H brmiifhl In n verdict of guilty of inur- H tier In the first ds-gree H Ilia harvest of wheal ami barley lim H coinmenrtsl In MushlngUiu enmity, ami H apricots, early apple ami pears are H rle ami Imlng gathered H Orer I.MM.UM pound-, of wool will In H thlpped be one linn from llrlgliuin CI I) H this season, our l.idw.ono oiiuilt liar H lug aluady bent shipped H The t week hu been a record H breaker In the way of warm weather, H the thermometer recording 100 drgrcci H In aoma part of the stale. Hj It li rumored the Itlo (lranila Westrrt H will biillil an elrilrla puwer houte am! H operate all of 111 eatenslva plant al H Halt Lake C 11 b that modern force. H Maud llirman, who hail her lien H cruihcd while working In n laundr In H Bait Iake, haa Ieen awarded datiiairri H In the sum of f)if U by tlio trial Jury. H The atallon house, at Wlllard wai H robbed on the IDtli, two raiora ami H looking gloa being taken Two young H men were captured with the sUdeu B artlelra In their ihsmcmIod, B Colonel K. H Mncum, who will com. HBm msnd the Ninth regiment of Infantry, BBA'flHMMNMMHK.aT'1i,"," Mtl In ctlna,1nMlf.t T ,'BWoi.iiVat5nitBt,l'irl,lvrui(laaiTd J ha hmta of frlemU lu Ulali BH l.'ineat IlplUKlle, an Ilallan, wai KVJ killed by fallliiK iIoitii n KTeiiilleular AS tliaftailltlaneeof llfly-auticu feet In KVJ theUoIld Mulloon inlno at Eureka, hi BS body beluif liorrlbly limnliHl M Conductor William II l'ay rrhlla HBW leanlnir from n rabooao window near KVJ ThompMin'a Hirliir. atruck hl head BS again, l a brldtfa and waa llnUlllly EfJ killed, hit akull l.ellif crtulird KVJ A company la Mlitf oranlted In Halt BSJ I.aku for the ante and operation of KS autoiuobllca. Thu coiiipauy will In- H aiiffiirato a cnb airflee, nl.o a truck BS itrtlie, and mnlulalii a aalrtrooni IB The I'oilal lelerapli company liar- BBS Inif won lla ault to coiidrmn a rlhl of BKBJ nay aloii the llneaof thu (Irrton Hhort BKBJ Line Utah will awin hate another BKBJ trant-contlni ntnl lilri;raph line BKBJ 1 he AHua li'miel on the Utah Central BKBj braaih of the Itlo llraude Ueilern lina BBBj Ueu completed, the working lulling BBBj all wlnli r nnd up to the pretenl time, B&Bj and without a iliilo incident oc.ur- BBB KBJ Colonel Percy H Sonera haa been BBS notified of hit appointment aaapeulal B&BJ agent of thu general land olllce for the dlitrlct of Utah, tueeteillni; Captain BHB ritlduer, hoha Ueii trnntforred to BBV Montrotc, Colo BBBJ thttpo that hate been In tcarch of theout!itawhokllMShrrtir Tyler and ll.'putj Jeuklna are raiirnlny tu BHB thrlr home, and tba opinion la ei- H prraieil that tlio nuirtlerera will neter BBS beooplurwl. BBB llert Allen, nyoun mtn of lewla. BJBI ton, nna driving hit father a onltle Nn home when the liorae lie waa rldlUK 3H rearvl up nnd fell back upon the rider, IH Inllletlnir llijilrlw from whleh ha died CWS after tweutyfour lioura' aulferlni;. kSfJ William (lenry, bkp.1 1, auteldnl al MtT ball Ijike City on thu flat hy taking 'jHfl "'I orerdooe of morphliie aflir belnir l onakprea for aetival day, lie itaa BBB determlnwl to die, and retlited all the SB tflorta of the doetura to wire Mm utter BBS the dlacorery of hla condition BHl Utah haa been well repreaentnl this nBH year by the unmln'r of law atudent al WBHf Ann Arbor, Mich In proportion to BHf population this alatu take third place UBB auiou the forty-flTeatatea represented BB In that great InslUutlun In the number BBV of aludenta enrolled 9B Oeorjfe Ilatea haa been re-arreitedon uBV the clinrge of murder In the second de- MJH free for kllllni; John KordquUt some BB year agolnTooelecounty llaleawaa HHfl tried once and conTieted, but the trial BHHK waa annulled for the reason that It BBj rra by eight Jurors. |