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Show N.c.ll. Ilrll II. r Irl.oner, Jamestown Journal. While operating n sewing machlno at her homo on Wssl Seventh street Wednesday afternoon Miss Agnct Polder had tho mltfortuni to get her linger under tho machine needle, which penetrated It. The needle nee-dle became bent In tho operation, and It waa Imposilblo for ber to turn tha machine so as to withdraw It, Uelng alono In tho house at tho tlmo, sho was a lure 1 neigh prisoner, and could not attract a ntlon by her cries for help for fully an hour. Finally Lionel O Ilobortson beard her while passing tho home He went to tho rescue, but could not turn tho machlno to release the unfortunate )oung woman A machinist ma-chinist and a physician woro tent tor. On the arrival ot tho machlnlit he was compelled to take tho machine apart before Miss Polder could bo' released j The physician then extracted tbo nee- 5 die, and tbe wound will soon heal, but I tbe experience It ono which will doubt- leu bo remembered by tho victim for J a long time I |