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Show I'noSI'tCTINtl WITH A PAN. nimcuiij nr iiiu.ii. vtu. r in lie. i The vnlup nf n pan prnipccl mil only Im ilitirmluetl whin evir) fnclor In the tiiso Im known One freiuintly henr nn i xpreliin of antlufncllun or lliiiHnnt urprl.e nt the sight of gold In n pnn proxiKct with n remark na In II rlcliniK or povirt) whin the n!-atrvir n!-atrvir knew iinlhlug vvlmlever nf Ilia iiunullly nf nre or (.rnvil frntn whlih Ihe pnupcct r)tiltil It mny luivo li n nn nunce. It might hnve In in a IKiuiul or inun- The value can only Im dilirmliuil wlun the rilatlon of the qunntlly of mnltrlnl tiiktn to tho reeult In gold I known liven when tho iimiillt) of ore or kmvel It known. It I not nhwij snfe In vtutiire n gue n to the riiliie inr tun imli- ono ha 1m. tomo fnnillhr Willi Hid nuiterlnl liy fitiiicr.t teat virltleil by 1111), or trintmint In mill or aluliv Many proHpulori) luiMinl n cnkuliillou n to tha vnliie nf the ore Ii) iniintlug tho uuinlitr of colur 1 nth color rtprt-int lug 1111 nrldlrnry vnlue pir ton n one color $1 M ptr Ion twilte nilor 1M, itr. How iiiiaiifo llii I inn) Imj rend Ily uudtniluuil whin niudikrullon Is given to the fntt Hint the tnlm. liilng vcr.v small utmill), give no Imllintlnn of their shnpi Light, rial) gold, whllo making n g,N almwlug will not wilgh up with round alml llko gold, nipnnntly uiiiili lufirlor In lze Whin ono IiecomiH uiiuntouiid tu tho gold lu niiy pnrtltular mine, ha limy Hun make a fnlr nppmxlmnllou of tho vnluo ot his ore liy pnn pmpti.t, but If lit) n move to n new Inmllt) all llil ha to bo Icnniiil ngiilii Ii) expirluulit Mlu. Ing mid .Slimline I'n M.ilur. In Mint. Ill aomo of the iiilnit on the Contl-nent Contl-nent vvhero both nil liHtuuolltM unit electric motor hnvo Ihiii mid, noniti cumpiirlMiii lielnetii Ihe ciwt of thu two a)liin I pnlhli In ono mini) Ihe voit of Hid funnir hna licui 1 Kid lr Inilu mile, 11 t-nmpiirtil Willi .H,il In the ciian of the ilecirk innlnr riio enat of two nil lotiHiiotlu I aalil tn hnvo Immi oue-fniirth of tho coat nf nuu iletlrk molur Ihe slinm nllrokin mnl inrlioiile nild ivntvtil li) lliu fnrmir I not iuuitt.li tn villain the nt-mnsplitre, nt-mnsplitre, mill It Im the nilwintnke or rnmiuutuea It wnrk nil 11 two-find nne-liuli gnugt, nml wlun exirllug II-Imr'O II-Imr'O pi wtr lanbli Intake 11 miixiuiuin lniiil nf aevinliiu Inn It I mild that wlun running nt the mnxlmum ptiil of four illul ime-linlf mile ptr hour, mid Willi tho full loud the cousump tliMi of nil Is luinly six mid omMinlf ImiiiuiI pi r hour An nrrnugi incut nt friction (.lutein h nml tlmlu guir mi Ibn trunk xluift ( until, n thu ingluu In run luiikwnrd or forward nt Hid will of tbo optrtitor-IlidiiHtrle mil Iron. hllKI Vllnlna Itcaul.ll m Tbcro I n growing tindiniy nn tbo part nf tbo land nltlcti nt Washington tu infnrcu nmro atrltlly the ngulu tloua eonit rnlug tlm Initillnii of iiilulug cbilliia T hi lui tuki 11 11 ill Unite form In recent Inatruttluii 1111 d to Hnltul Htnti mini nil Inml aurvi)or who nro dint led 11 follow '"l In no provlslont of tho Hvv (rignnlliiK the locution of mining tlnlm) miiat l strictly com-piled com-piled with In rncli tiaa to entitle tlm ilnlmmit to n surve) nml piti nt, and, Hun fore ahmihl n claimant under a Intntlon lunde aulinueut to tho passage pas-sage nf the net of Mny 10th 187 J who lias not i-nmplleil with eild require-1111 require-1111 nt In rignril to marking tho locn-Hon locn-Hon uM)ii thu criiuud mid recording the Mine npply for n aurvey, you will dtclluu to make It " llnalralnlna Mlu. fl ,11 In llu enae of n heavy nnd unexpected unexpect-ed Hood of wntrr In n mine, which It Income neceaniiry lo stop by the con-Blrucllon con-Blrucllon or a bulkhead n plpo with n vnlvn or gnlo should Iw constructed In tho Imlklund, nffnullng mi outlet for tho wntir whllo the bulkhead U undi.r coiirao of conalriictloii ntul which may bo closul when the bulkhead la 10111 pitied A prcnauro gjugo nttnchcil to (hi pipe will Indli ilo tbo prcssuro per squnro Inch Dlvldo this prcesuro b 4 II nnd It will glvo the vertical holgl ot tho coliimu or nmtrToIr nf w that baa Ixt'U tncouiitcroil lint gives no lndlcallor nf tbo Vdlur watir. |