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Show NO IIC. 'riierliiiniiilt ciiunly leaelieia' exainl-iiull.iiiMllllwhel.l exainl-iiull.iiiMllllwhel.l In Coalville June U nnil ill IiuimU tot o'olork eaeli day. rruetroa elioiild -iigae leaeliera belore tlut date aa It is Initialed that (here hall In. no more tegular eiamluailoaa in llile county this ir, anil all teaohara inii't 1m rrtl tlivtl lfnr unit rl iig ttpou tlnlr work in Ihii mIiuoI room, Con lily teachus whoea eerllflcuteeaia intloraa hie (II tho superintendent la apprliedol tin lr ro-tngaguneiit Mine the IK priiklmo) willba Informed totliatenVet hy letter, ullothua engaged lo tenth In thla county nre expealad to apiwui lor eaulnntlnii lit the phirr mil mi Die dittos hInivo named lleeectlully, 1'iuNK Utah, Supt.) V. M. Ihtviixs. Kxaililnlng I", A.bn vaiiKH. J Itonnl, Had maiingaiiieiil keepe inure ien 'e In p.or elriiiiiiilanees than any u'lier oihi imiae, 1i baauniHiilulmia mutt look ahead nud plan ahead othet whin a llorabli upieililHli; preaeute ilaell ho In read) tolako ailvnniitge ol It. lltll fontbought will aleu mie imiih expiliKi and nluable time, V prudent iindiinrefiil limn will keep n bottle ol OhiiiuU rlarn'a Colic, Cbolira mil Dlnrrlinen Itrlileil) In the lioiiee, the ihlltlen lellou will wait tinilluoiwsH) mmpells it nnl llieiirulii lili lt horee going lor Hilovlor uml huc bigih itor bill to m), bestdn, one pa) a nut -'V cenln, tho olhi r isoutu huiittred dollars and thenwondiis wli) bis neighbor is tuning ilclier whltubalegeltiugiioorer. For ulo by John l!o)deu and Son lliidimi lines eltepleesuaes, 11 diinmtand night awouts lilt) iinU all diuggist o TJ&E o COALflLLE Reduced To m zn PER YEAR. ?. Payable ixx a3L a- GENERAL MER6HANDISE. CASH BARGAIN STORe COALVILLE, UTAH TIMOTHY SEEDj5ets. per pound. GOOD CLEAN 0.V1S W111-AT FOR SHFJ), Luoern Seed, I' OroiSEird Grass Seed, J Gypsine Wall Finish, Wall! Paper Sai'lo Witle 01 f will) rrelgnt aflaefl. Coalville Coop. C Oj A. Iv Always On Hand at the WASfiTGBj- MINE Lump - s- - $2.25 Stove - f 1.50 TB2III8 LBaifalPfBil Is Ml PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY j Weber Coal Co Here's Virtue in Values Beauty in Goods and Power in Prices. Good bread can no more be produced from poor Flour than durable or right looking cloth" ing be made from any but all" wool cloth. Let woolen manufacturers and cotton and shoddy dispen-cers dispen-cers argue as they may. They know, as we do, that the only proper Material for Men's wear is wool. Cotton is but a cheapening, cheap-ening, cheating makeshift. See our spring and summer suits at $ 7.50 " " 8.00 " 10.00 I MMaMlLnLUridMMifcfeJk. laataataaaaaaaaallillll I frff JtWff s, IT 1 B"iPWfc 'mKttfV 12.00 15.00 to 30,00 lhryareiiindiHil,rlifllnil.lnll-noiilCii.tmiiis nnd U'rnit Wurili J Cloths in all the new ihiidi a and m w mi arcs, lla) InrluJe nil the .Sew herrlng-Ilone pattern) In woitttd mid inMlliieieclotlin. 'riierelMiinutliutliua'Iglitoatdl.iipoliitmcnlalth an) ol Ihmo cloths the aool and tllln glauf the Uitol wool. Ourllaaof 1 iiriilihlligkcndi inrludia all that is .Saw in Silk lloiom Hlilrts, oolotiMlMadra bhlrli. Ilonryaudumlcrware Cull and examine our lull dli-pla) dli-pla) nl aiimptar. VV OKMSI VERWIFUGE! !: For 20 Years Has Led ail WormHemifcTlM QAjNDOfEJMIJsjGljM ILblNERY. Just received, A Large and Complete line of Hals and Millinery Noieltles in the Leading Designs. have a large stock of Ladies Wrappers, Wrap-pers, ShirtWaists, and Spring Capes in great variety of Styles. Ladies of Coalville and adjacent towns call and examine goods. The STYLES and PRICES spakfor themselves M. R.Salmon. |