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Show I'AHAOIIUTB PAILBO TO WOIIK t l(. ,,.,! tl.ii Take, a llropiif DIHI Itrl .11,1 Ulll Ute KililMia City, Ma June I - Howard 1 wU. hii of a former mayor of him ana City, ICnn , borrowed a latlloou and J nttempleil All aaeenakm ami iaraehiiti Jump yealenlay at I helaea park a auh-iirbttli auh-iirbttli ivaort uil the Kannaa aide of tin line lie oatended aa It apienred to the aiwotator fully tai fi, t when the lalliMHi wa. taught In a ktiddeii bloat uf wind mid tapalaed I lit iarathute failed to wi ek ami toting Iwlu the ImIIihiii and the paraihule tumbled to the earth Luckily the young n roiiaul mid hi. traiiplnga fell llrat Into Hit I nincliMut u big tree through width Ttrlna eiime tumbling loll c ground He ttn. picked mi uiimitiailotia ami curried ton Inn. Pltal Iho aurgcoii. fuiiml korenil I roken laiiiea. hut Ittlea huarecorered hit M-iikcaaml the dootor aiita hu will lire |