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Show BRYAN DESERTED I BY HIS FRIENDS I Salt Lake, Nov. 22. One of the H most remarkable incidents in modern H political histoo', declares John F. 'MM Tobin, is the desertion of Bryan by MM his old guard of Lincoln. Mr. Tobin ' M has just returned from his old home in .H Lincoln where he was remarkably sur- ( iB prised to note the anti-Bryan sentl , u H ment among old-time Democrats who '11 have been Bryan's stannchest support- j lM ers for a generation. . 'MM Some of his old-time supporters, f Mr. Tobin said, did not take kindly to Mm Bryan's conversion to prohibition. WM They called attention to the fact that , MM in the years gone by he had repeated- . I jLMM ly asserted that temperance was a tM moral issue and had no place in tbe mm political arena. More of them did not jjH like the way he left the cabinet When 1IH the split between Wilson and Bryan B came at tho tlmo Bryan left the cabl- M net Brvan's old-time friends in Lin- ,H coin lined up with Wilson. Tolerance !B of Bryan and his new notions changed ffsfl to open hostility when Bryan critlcis- yaW ed Wilson's policy of national defense. VMM Relative to this chango In Lincoln wmmi sentiment Mr. Tobin said: ! "The people of Lincoln are begin- H nlng to have the idea that thero has H been too much Bryan in Lincoln. For H a gTeat many years W. J. Bryan was M the political idol of Lincoln. Charles H Bryan mayor of Lincoln, Is now trying . H to follow In his big brother's Xootstons. - H It is currently reported that tho Broth- 1 H ers Bn-an will insist that no Demo- TH Nebraska who will not pledge himself to support state-wide prohibition. It ( Is quite likely that Charles Bryan will attempt to securo the gubernatorial IH nomination. j H "Whatever measure of popularity j gH inav remain for W. J. Bryan in other . m parts of tlie country thoro is little- of ' H it right now in his home town of Lin- WM coin. Tho greatest surprise in a politi- ' IMm cal "way that I have experienced was IH when I learned that practically very Mm ono of the old-time Democrats who ; jH was worshipping Brj'an when I was a jH boy in Lincoln is now strongly against , mM him. These old-timers wore ardent , mWM Brj'atos through all of his cam- lil paigns and their ardor for Bryan was ' ImWM never dampened until a fow months ago. They are strong Wilson men ijH but they have no more use fw MM Bo'an." IN.H |