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Show oo HIE AT TI WEBER AGADEi Tomorrow morning at tho Weber academy, the daily assembly period will be given over to a muslcalc, tlr program to be furnished b sludejiU In the academy music department an Miss Romania Hyde, of the faculty The students who will participate arf Myrtle Ballingcr Higley. Douglass Brian, Miss Gladys Petersen. Messrs. Pickett and Bingham and Miss Paine. The Weber academy double mixed quartette will also take part in the entertainment. Tho program will open at 9:U o'clock and will be as follows: "Thinking of You" Brahms AVeber Double Quartette. Piano, "Introduction and Allegro from Sonata Pcthitque, Op. 13". . Beothovon Miss Gladys Peterson. Tenor solo, "La donna e Mobile" (Rigoletti) Verdi H Mr. Douglass Brian. H String quartette, 'Uu Hirto Israel" fk Brotnlansk? vM Miss Romania Hyde and Miss ! Paine, Messrs. Pickett and H tH Bingtiam. ilflll Sopranosolo, "Se Saron "Rose" Iflll r ..., Arditl U Mrs. Myrtle Illglcy. H Piano SlIH (a) Canzonctta Op. 28. No. 2 UH Schuitt H (b) "The Butterfly Grica H Miss Peterson. ill Violin. "Old Venice Waltz" H Krieslet Ifffl Miss Hyde. ! jfl ' Duet "No. Lord Illustrious" (From e H "Rigoletti") Verd t Mrs. Higley and Mr. Brian. M Violin Solo Selected 1 Miss Hyde. J Double quartette, "Life's Dream". 1 mm Lennox Weber Double Quartotte. j H Tho general public is invited to at- jjlH tend the muslcale, there being no ad- ijM mission charge. jH 'J |