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Show H I New Territory More Salesi B I "We would like to do business with you, but H 1 you are too far away" is not heard among 1 B I men who know the advantages of using 1 I ! Western Union H 1 Bay and Night Letters 1 K I I They will increase your business territory I H I and multiply your trade possibilities. i I I THE WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO. I H : 2406 Wash. Ave. Always Open, Phone 961 and 962. oo Read the Classified Ads. aaaaV aH' I - H ' Hi ' Eastern I I . .x - Excursions M VJ?' 7h f' For Thanksgiving Day, Christmas W H (j n and Isew Year Holidays, the following S VR' Mf 0 '" ? Iow Round Trip fares will be effect- W H S RL Ive from OGDEN, via UNION PA- 2& H - 9) rft - CI PIC, tickets being on sale (JPJ H JW fJL I November 20 and 25 W H- W) jfl December 18 and 22. (fi Hj vW I T Denver or Colorado Springs $22,50 (jW Hl (St ' 1 - C'' Omaha or Kansas City 40.00 fit M . I Chicago 59.75 H (g) ' W St. Louis 51.20 () H (H) St. Paul '.' 53.S5 (j) H (S) ft Low Fares to Other Points. (j&j) H 4K) I " Liberal Stopovers. Limit 3 Months (K) Hj S D Thanksgiving- Day Excursions (g M gfi H to Local Points i W () M 2fiv Hi November 24 and 25 B vw) iBl (A) M ' jM Return Limit November 30 H W W" H' 0HEVERS General Agent. CITY TICKET OFFICE J H W PAUL L. BEEMER, C. P. & T. A, Orpheum Block Phone 250G. () . w POISONED HIMSELF AT 40! Death by slow poison is killing many a man, young in years who has made the fatal mistake of failing to understand under-stand the warnings of Kidney trou ble. When your kidneys begin to lag in throwing off natural poisons that accumulate ac-cumulate in your body the first warnings warn-ings come in little twinges, of stiffness stiff-ness across your back and hips. Urination Uri-nation may be too frequent; you may feel "tired" in the morning when you should feci your best. The best known remedy for these troubles is GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules. This romedy has stood the test for more than 200 years since it was first produced in tho ancient laboratories in Haarlem, Holland. It acts directly on the kidneys and bladder blad-der and gives relief at once, or your money will be refunded. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules are imported im-ported direct from Holland, and can be had at any drug ctovj. Prices 25c, 50c and 51.00. Accept no substitutes. sub-stitutes. Advertisement. CASTORIA For Infants znd Children In Us For Over 30 Years Always btut $ Iraa'blre of CWjfyJSjk WHY COUGH YOUR FOOL HEAD OFF? WILD CHERRY EXPECTORANT (No opiates or dope) 25c and 50c. the bottle. McBRIDE Drug Co. i i 2463 Washington Ave. I "House of Quality." i i ' : CHICHESTER S PILLS I "Si BI 3C?h thr. But of your V ; ASOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE Money in the Bank ' i is good, but a good stomach in a vig- & m orous body is better than Dyspepsia f 1 ft with Wealth. Health is beyond the v j reach of money-bags. It is pur- . I lux chased with good habits and a j simple, natural food , i w Shredded Wheat I: s is a simple, elemental food that supplies all ; the body-building material in the whole ' Jg$ v wheat grain made digestible by steam- ; dp cooking, shredding and baking the maxi- g'-J j jfg mum of nutriment with the least tax upon f' JJ the digestive organs. ? 3j Made in America fej TV o Shredded WW ..illllllllllllllllllllllllli. wf' BUeuiU, heated in tho ..jl I I II I I I I lv mJ, yen to toro. "P" ..III m llll'fjlli m0 JJSi'oT cream, make m. ffllllllllll I lll-lllllllllHtli U complete, noumhinj, ifl Hi ":;-5y" iYJV j I il 11 til I (lll 11 1 lib - MT Wafer, catena a toat " tjl 'ftlfl iTOwHi Hi HI 5r .iiiiiiiH iiiiiiiiP111 . i ,t . ;0 HI i jtfWk 1 1 tr Br a a w" 11 1 fflL- JHI ny Pece S00(s n our store '. nut I ilBSBH tailored to your measure for. ' I WlFf Thanksgiving $30.00 S . gt I J!Wmmim Stock consists of values ordin- e 1 "'IIIh iiy soid for from $4o,o to I k I bft A perfect fit guaranteed on every 1 ; 1 & garment made here. 1 ,5 IB 1 I - 1 PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLY I j I We Make and Remodel Furs, Coats, Jackets, Muffs 1 ! i I and Collarettes. Furs cleaned and glazed. 1 - K I l? - I i ioi 1 I ti Fashion Ladies Tailors p I A. L. ROSE, Prop. Si 1 2474 Washington Ave. Telephone 734.. j X BHaSflBBHHHIHBHIHIIBaaaaaBmsBBaaaBBaHB3BVBaafiBasaBaSBaB WK$ I EXCURSIONS I WESTERN PACIFIC I I - Round Trip Fares from Odcn. 1 K I Denver $22,50 ' St. Louil 51.20 W Colo. Springs 22.50 Chicago .'... 59.75 1 Omaha 40i0o Memphis 59.S5 lij 1 KaASiXl ?Itj" 40-0 -Minneapolis 53'85 1 . Un Sale November 20, 23; December 18, 22. Good Three jK Months returning. Stopovers. Diverse Routes. W'M? I an Francisco and return direct . . ..$35.00 1 rrw.i?'-!inclBC' rcturnins via T.os Angeles '..'.'..'."..'.'.'.'..'. 35.00 ', Circuit tour. San Francisco. Los Angeles, San Diego 40.00 I W, I 0n salc' daily until November 30Lh. Final Limit I fc 1 December 31st. fi; I , , THE SCENIC LItlTED. , IV. 1 cj?0?ern all-steel train .between Ogden, San -Francisco and Mg fct. boms via the AYcstern-PaciCc. Denver & Rio Grande Mm and Missouri Pacific. r I . ' N0 EXTRA FARE. IK 1 -Mgl J I City Ticket OXficc, Eccles Building. - Phone 63-i. IS L, JANKFQUTS- General Agent. Ig ; L L . J mmmah. B- . J-a.-a Taaaamiiaaaaaaapar B |