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Show I MINING NENTiN. , T 44".ik .. ttUAxiu.1 CUTTINO OF TIMDEtt. fofiDiltlniir lllnsrr lurs aom Xtw UsuUllona on llil, Hul.Jfi-l. Huiierlnti-iiitents of government for eel reeeries III all the wceti-m stntps ninl territories; uhrre iiiIiiIiik Is cnrrliil ou have nii Iveil the folluwlug lntriic-tlotiii lntriic-tlotiii from the ruiuiulMdiiiier of tlia grneml land oltlee, ns to the ruttliie of tlmlier on goremnifiit furest ru-eerves- "lleferrlng to the provisions of tho net of June -I, lhliT, for tho rive llw of tlmln-r, ns rrKiilalnl by iitrngrnpli SI. MgH 12 of ruliii anil rvituliitluiis governing furrnt rwnrM-, joii nru mills! mi-lls! ns follows: "An j MrMiii nttlhiirlaiil liy the snhl art lo secure forestry rcservo tlmlior for his own Indlvldunl mills tnny pro-curo pro-curo It through n snwinlll ntivrnlnr or other ihtmiii nrtlng n Ids ngi-nt illrect; but lion ci er prociinil, uhctlipr liy Ids own hntiils or nil ngvnt illnrt. ho should first confer or coininiiiilonto with you illrvrlly. or thrniigli the ni-nr-est forestry ollln-r, ileslgiintlng the lo-ration, lo-ration, niiiniiiit nnd Milito of the tint-Iwr tint-Iwr proiKeil to Im cut. Hi plnco wlicni nnd tho ptiriio" for whlcli the snhl timber will ho umil: stntlng wlmt wnv-mlll wnv-mlll nr nthrr ngrnt, If nuy, will lm employed em-ployed to do th rutting, removing niul anwltig. nnd plitlirlug Hint no more shall lm cut from th rtwnntlon tlinn lie mills for us on his own land or ilnlm. ami that nun slinll Ih Mild, ills-HMid ills-HMid of nor iihciI uu nny oilier but Ills own Intul nr clnlm: nn.l gunrnnli'i'lui; to remorii nud etiMy i1Ikio of nil tops, brush nud rvfun culling, beyond dniitfer of llru tlierefroui. "Ihn lionn lid settler mid minor, each nctlng In Ills Imllvlilunl rspnclty. Is not prccliidiil from Inking Ills tlm-Ivr tlm-Ivr tn thiiwiivinlll; nor I th sawmill proprietor pnrludeil from rn-rlvlng or saw lug nr uthrrwl'v hnmlllng Jim limber lim-ber for Hint settlor or inliier; prnvldeil Ihn sum nhnrgul Iherefur Is ixclmlv nf nny clmrg for th limber Itself, mid Is mi moro tlinn n rensnimld sum tn diver tlm nnd Inlior oxiiemltil nnd nil logltltnnl cxihmkcs Incurred In snwlng nr hniidllug II. Th clmrg rnn-nnt rnn-nnt 1 pnld with nny pnrt nf tho timber, tim-ber, or wllh nuy other timber tnken from nny puldlo Imnls. "TliMtumpnRii Miliintlon Is I ho nttin nf Hi IIiiiImt In the stnnillng tree, nnd Is ileterinliieil br Hi lornlltr mill sir nf th tlmlKT. Hi eoiiitnerelnl us for which sueli timber Is sought, tho tie-liiiiiul tie-liiiiiul therefor, el. "Th snlil innllott for Hi free us nf timber (iiiitemplntes Indlvlditsl use only Tlinreforo. mining i'ororntlnin, lumln-r nimnnnliK nnd nny nrgnulrn-Hon nrgnulrn-Hon engiigvil In cxlt'iislvu lumlness en-lenitives en-lenitives miulrlng vnst niiiotiiits of timber, nru not eiilllled to nny or tliu lieiieillx themif. "Ilcslilcnts of towns mid vlllnitox within or tienr n fon-st rescnntlon, lmlng rnllrund fnt-llllles .nnd oilier couienloutu nccess.to sawmills nud i tiiinlicrayamsrwIisrnttninlH.rinnil fuel ran In' pmcuhil by hii,i..i. .A. Z. entlllnl to the K-uellts of the imivlslnn ot tlio Inw for Iho frw use of timber." |