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Show 1 MINI Kg NOTES. "Iteeent nsanys of 1W Aces mineral H ulioiv os mucli nt Ills ounces Mirer, H TO. per cent lead and 80 cents In gold. The Do Lamar, Nev.,mlnc sustained H a low nf t,3m by fire last week, oncof B tin' bunk houses, being burned down. H Two shifts nro being worked on the ffl Pcrjuc-Murprlsc mine, near Miirysralo, Aiul some iiiterestlngdcvclopmciiMnrc daily nntlclpatnl. B New crushers nrc being Installed nt B tlm .Star mine, In Pino canyon. This B will Increase the crushing capacity K from thirty-live to fifty ton?. B The shaft on the. Clropntrn at Kilter K Clly has now nttalned n depth of MO ffi feet, from which level the active pros- E peeling of the vein will eommciica at once. E The Denver Itepubllcnn any that three carloads of machinery parsed through Durungo recently en route to the pincers on the Han Juan river, In southern Utah. 1'artles who have examined tho hu-bcrnltu hu-bcrnltu discoveries near Osceola, Xcv., ".late that It Is found to exist In n territory ter-ritory two and one-half miles wide and three miles In length. The opinion Is xprcsMl that It will bo found In pay-ltf pay-ltf 'inutilities. I Knmplcs of oro showing us much as 40 per cent copper und coated with Uaku silver furnish a line example of the class of material thai Is now ex. posed In the workings of Ilia Itabblt'i Footnt Silver City, and from which i shipments are to cotnmenco at once. , Another sensatlonaldemonstrntton of tho riches of which the mines of State-line State-line are capablo was presented In tho B recent returns from the sampler ou a shipment from tho Ophlr, the controls . on which tho lot went upon tho market i allowing no less than 887 ounces silver I and $7 In gold per ton. Tho lot was Intended only for demonstrative pur-noses, pur-noses, and was accordingly coufluod to fifty sacks. (That the cyanide process Is reaching lulo (lold Mountain wasreveuled when ! a small lot of gold dust reached tho ' gold sampling rooms of tho Consoll- ! dated Kansas City Smelting and Itolln- Ing company from an experimental ( plant Hint Is boluir quietly operated there. Tho consignment weighed less than ten pouuds, but It will probably i ilcclde tho fato of n projected mill In ' that gold-bearing region, t The llutto parties who nro develop- I Ing properties nt Contact, Klliocounty, i Nov., liavo purchused of II. I l'robcrt n gasoline engine cnpablo of raising " vJst dirt for 1,000 feet or more. With this ',' Is prospecting tho ground, will con- ' J tlnuo to go down on tba vein, In which J n nice iiualltyofcoppcrorohas already 'j been exposed. Advices from tho local- I Ity Indicate considerable systematic; :l work now going on there. l Tho special correspondent of the Den- fl Tcr Mining Ilecord, writing from i. Miners' basin, Utah, says: "To say that tho La, Sal country has been un-y un-y warrantedly 'black-eyed' Isonlyspcak- Ing mildly of nn actual fact. Tho so-called so-called expert, who Is sent out by good, .dcslrablo men of Denver nnd elscwhcra J to return to them reports on tho inln- A ing possibilities of this country has i'l never shown up In tho La Sal moun- f j talu district. They tee the mountains .1 In tho distance, get the opinion of a I mossback ranelunan, lea vo the country ; with n fow sandstone samples not heir I j to tho mother formation and thelrre- I ports arc mailo general tnaiino coun try Is 'no good.' Kven grub-staked prospectors havo botrayed tho confidence confi-dence of their backers by such false- I ' hoods and misrepresentations. Such characters denounced Cripple Creek and all other good mlultigcuinpsln tho samo manner." The official report of tho mineral 1 production of tho United States forthu calendar year 18VU has been inado pub- ! lla by tho geological survey. It shows I that sinca lt-S'J the total value of tho ' mineral proluctlnn of the United .ritato has Increased from Ma,SIV,ooo I to U07.60,OOJ In 18VH. nearly uo per cent. Tim normal Inoresso deduced from tills record of nineteen years Is at tuerato of 1111,000,000 aniinally, but during the five year slnoe 1803 the In-oreasv In-oreasv has been nearly SiJ.iMi.uOO annually. an-nually. The mus totsl prostueu wu tho largest In history, exceeding that of ISU2, which held the record prior to 1WS by noarly fco.noo.ono, The value of all metallic products In InUt) wall 344,0!W,U0, as eompured with faun,. 108,60!) iu IbflT. a gain of 84 1 ,'.7,0'e). All of the metals except nloitel, made large gain, rjopper, lead, sine, aliiial-num aliiial-num andanthauuy reuehlugthulr mas-Inium mas-Inium In both production and value, but while ttiosiucnint of pifflrw pro. lm-ed In imw n jri-oiih-r than tn mty other year, tho valua of this product was considerably ) than 1(1 100 Or Iu 1M. Clareno) K. MoCornlck of Salt Lake City has purelisaed one-half of the entire en-tire holdtngtof John C. Urlffiths In tho property of the Dixie, Mining and Smelting company, near tit. George. Tho price paid Is wild to be 8310,000. The management marketed a carload of ore In Unit f.ako City last week, for which It received WI.BIi per ton, with copper as practically tho only metal, In the meantime the enlargement of the smelter Is going on steadily and the V turning out of bullion will begin again I In J taw days. |