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Show LESSON IN PATfllOTIBM. (HfsnlttTtah .r-omrll.li.l ,J Amtrl'tnt Intekohaint. Yokohama, Aug. 90. Fire thousand United Htalta Iroopa hare come and gone, roaming through the streets of Yokohama and Tokyo for an avrrtge of two daya without canting a rlpplo of disturbance. The American community commu-nity hero Isainall, but It It Intensely American. The task which It hat un dertaken In connection with the pas eaire of American troopt It all audi dent loproro lit ardent patriotism. l'oraoine forty or fitly famlllrt.htrd ly enough to make up a small country Tillage, to feed and lo entertain In erery possible way an army of 10,000 troops Is something nercr before known in the annale of hospitality. Yet, half of thlt gigantic task It already al-ready accompllihril, and ttio devoted host aro full of pluck and energy to purtuo It lo the end. Ther feel amply repaid by the untioundcd gratitude of the aoldlera, whllo even the Japanese hare been taught a new Iwton In pal rlotltm. |