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Show HOOT MANS BUSINESS DIFFERENT CONDITIONS EXIST IN WAR BUREAU. (Irnrral Jill, rraliat the Method at the Maw KM-rrlarj, and Incldcnlallr Has a Kind ord Tor Urntral Oil. New York, Aug. M. The Tribune hat an Interview with Oencral Mile In which lie It quoted aa follows: "The new aecrctary of war la a man of business. Aa a resulL different conditions con-ditions already cxIsL The intcrestaof the country have demanded a rigorous prosecution of the war In tbe Philippines; Philip-pines; now they will hnva It. "I know nothing ubout a change of commandera on the Island. My command com-mand of the army hat nothing to do with the administration. Aa major general commanding, I am respontlble (or the health and dlsclptlna of the army. Ilolh aro In excellent condition. condi-tion. "(lenernl Otla it a flna ofllccr. That ha been demonstrated by the splendid morale of tho army, It health and It efficiency In the Held In the Philippines. Philip-pines. "The Inadequate force to meet the requirements haa been the. cause of somewhat abating tho rraults which have been nchlevcd. Our army, notwithstanding not-withstanding the vast superiority of the enemy In numbers, ha been vie-torlou vie-torlou In every cngagemcnL The army may be largo and vnllantcnough to defeat an army quadruple Ita aire, but It take additional force to hold the town In an enemy' country and to cover llnca of communication. "About 20 per cent of our army under un-der nny conditions I practically In' active, owing to various duties about tho camp aud in hospltiils, transportation, transporta-tion, atcknest and vnrlousother causes. In the civil war only n portion of the army operated on the fighting line. A great bulk of the troop wera engaged In various dutlea In the rear. "Much embarrassment haa I icon oc- aalnned by the "iipplylngof thecnemy with food and munition of war by tliclr f rlendt In Manila and Hongkong, not to speak of encouragement from their friend In 'thu state.' It Is dim-cult dim-cult to discriminate In tho enemy' I'ountrj between non-combatants and foea." |