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Show riot nt iiiui-aiii)- With ecru lace over white satin on bodice and skirt Hlack liberty satin tlo and belt I 1N1H Tt Willi tlll. Hy the time a girl la 23 or 31 year.1 old she begin to sran her mirror olosely In search ot tho Invlalblo llnei about the ejes which betray her years. The first dinger slgnnU which nam ono that )outh Is fleeing aro the Incipient In-cipient crows feet at the corner of, tho eye and a delicate network ot lines under the lower lid, say tha Philadelphia Inquirer. A llttlo later on, tho lower lid often become heavy and tho lines under It more pronounced Tho oyo Itself seems moro deeply set In tha socket. Now horliontat line appear distinctly upon tho forhead and vertical one between tho c)cs This Is tha time when woman, distracted dis-tracted at the knowlodso of fading charms eotuulta n specialist nnd tries the tnassago euro Many peoplo resemblo glass tmoolh, slippery nnd flat |