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Show VCAII8ATCII. Waiuatcii, Utah, July 2, 1001. Lurrou Tiuii: Mrt. W. L. Hall ol C-oalvllo It here vliltlng rilullet. Mn. W. Sliumt ol Almy, Wjo , nm a lillor at 1). Kect' during tlie week, A. (1. llrlin ol IaIio wot here atttnd-lug atttnd-lug to hit wool Intcreitt during the week, Mrt. 11. 1). I'halcn lelt here on Saturday Satur-day lor Uutte, Mont., to Join her hu-band. hu-band. Very drouthy wlndt have predominated predom-inated here during tho week, which will bu detrimental to the grmt crop. ((hearing li about completed, and the varlout nool ownert are now buiy tacking, tack-ing, baling, weighing and thlpplng tho tame. It li moitl) all 10U, pricet ranging rang-ing Irom II to 12 centt per pound. A dance took place at the reildeme ol J. 8. 1111 on Friday night. Supper wai termed during the owning and n very pleaiant time wai had, at all testified to. Jamei llaldenou and W. T, Dall were the promoter!. |