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Show Head of Mystic Shriners. Philip 0. Shaffer, I the now Imperial potentate of the '; Noblea of the My- tie Bhrlne, la a na-- na-- tlvo of Phlladel- I phia.andonoot tho best Unown busl- nosa men la town. , Ho ha lust entered u upon hi flfty-flrst year and for moro fthan one-half of hi llto baa been a Mason. Upward of j i seventeen y o a r a i J a;o ho joined tho f Shrln'ers, and for twelve year be of- 1 . delated In tho post I of Oriental Guide of Lu Lu Tcmplo j Philadelphia. I"or i three years he was I the potentate of the I temple, and he was f elected to the of fice of tho deputy Imperial potentate at the last meeting ot tho Shrlner. i Mr, Shaffer, as may , bo Imagined, 1 one it the most en-thuilostlo en-thuilostlo of the IMPEfHAL POTENTATT, BHAPVrn ' Bhrlner In tho country. He U ' , devoted to spirit and purpose s pf this order, and few mon bavo mora i myttlo friends than he In hla home M city and throughout tbo country. It -- .w. ,,, aiiArri,K was believed from tho beginning that he would bo promoted from tho second highest to the highest offlco In the or-aer. or-aer. Mr. Shaffer Is prominent In the furniture trade. |