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Show RANDOM REFERENCES 1' Good, watches 'Price. 278 25th. V Kodak Films developed 10c each roll. Velox D3Der used. Mclntyre Drug K Railroad Agents J. W. Lowrle, II traveling Lrciguc una passenger agent ! of the New York Central, and J. M. Davis,. general agent of the Colorado i Midland, -were in Ogden yesterday on j business. All kinds of Coal. Parker Coal Co., I cor, 27th. St. and Pnc. Phone 198-W. - i Eagles A delegation of members ! of the Ogden Eagles' lodge -will go to Salt Lake City tonight to assist at the initiation of about 40 new members mem-bers of the Salt Lake lodge. j Doctor Fred G. Clark removed to j Suite 707-S-9-10. David Eccles Bldg. - j Marriage License Marriage li- I censes have been issued to Edward S. Danks of West Union, Iowa, and Han- ' nab Johnson of Lamarla, Idaho, and I to ThomaB L. Vaughn and Mary Gib- son of Ogden. i Well, here we are again the Bar- hers" fourth annual ball, at the Royal, j Tuesday, February 1. l Damages Awarded Yesterday afternoon aft-ernoon Judge N. J. Harris rendered a j decision in favor of the plaintiff in the case of Mary Mattson against W. ', C. Kein. Damages in the sum of J $7.50 were awarded and the plaintiff ' shall retain possession of the tomb- stone in question. t The best of the season; for "there's a reason" the Barbers' , ' fourth annual ball, at tne Koyai, j Tuesday, February 1. ' Canadian Party Mrs. R. J. McKen- & zie. wife of the manager of the con- 1 I str'uction department, and Mrs. W. P. k i Shepard, wife of the chief clerk of the 1 ! name department, of the Canadian S I Pacific railroad, accompanied by three 5 i sen-ants are expected to pass through ? Ogden this evening. They are trav- ; elmg eastward from San Francisco Of j in tho C. P. R. R- private car ti j "Dauphin," en route to Omaha, over Bl the Southern Pacific and Union Pa- L ciric railroads. From Omaha the ' partv will go to Chicago, thence to fl ' DPtvoit and from Detroit to Ontario, I Canada. 1j Spargo'e for rubber stamps, 6eala, f etc. J j Look for a Brother Mrs. H. C 1 Stewart of 10S1 Oak avenue has re- fi guested the assistance of the Ogden ; police department in locating her j ; brother, N. K. Lambert, who was last 1 i heard of at Layton, Utah, In Septem- : ber 1915. He is a moulder by trade, I Is 30 years of age, short and heavy 1 J of stature and light complexioned. At JB i Layton, he was employed in tne con- P. (j struction of the new sugar factory. t J CSTEOPATHY-Dr. John Finley Mor- : rison moved to 511 Eccles Bldg. Ph.417 Dfe i Stolen The theft of a Spitdorf $M magnet and coll from an automobile & J Ifilonging to A. R. Shupe was report- g i ed to the police yesterday. The theft 3& was committed while the automobile i6 l was standing in front of the Shupe . j residence, 320S Washington avenue. lef I All Kinds of Good Coal Rawsou n j Bros., 2270 Wall Ave. Phone 484. lm v& i Bicycles Taken A bicycle was ,4? : stolen from the Covey Cycle com- Kr panv, and a wheel with a red frame W and' cork handles was stolen from in 8 front of the Smith Grocery store yes- H ' terday, according to a report received l0iPh1 ! Ly the Police. ! B & G Butter is an opportunity for kfa i ccci.omy. - i Is! j Ogden Visiters AY. L. Grelner, rV i ' commercial agent of- the New orK nittJ S Central, and A. W. Gory, traveling ttacV i passenger agent of the Chicago and cdH North Western, were in Ogden today 3iit2 i on business. f " j Royal perfect coal, sold ana guar- acli - anteed by M. L. Jones Coal & Ice Co. i fro I 1-15-tf & Guardianship In the estate and V'li SUardlanship of Lavernc Farr et ai, .S , minors, Mrs. Clara Farr, the mother, ' 2 I hs petitioned the district court for '? Otters of guardianship. The minors X - aro the children of the late Winslow J l(,arr. !?T d f Dr. B. R. Dumke, Eccles Bldg. J'jl Phones, office 803, residence 134J-J. 'l9$ ! Births The following births were un reported to the city health depart- 1-J5 ' ment today: To Mr. and Mrs. Fred i? I f LofquisL a daughter, January 26; to , Mr. and Mrs. Henry Noorda, a son, j I Jrnuary 22; to Mr. and Mrs. Meivin i Li. - I Allen, a daughter, January 24; to Mr. I '"ia Mrs. Orson L. Tayior, u&Ub" ' ter, January 23; to Mr. and Mrs. John F. Daly, a son, January 16; to Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Baker, a son, January 23; to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Martin, a daughter, January 19. Improving Miss Helen Green, -who was operated on at the Dee Hospital, Wednesday, Is convalescing. Resigns Frank Smith haB resigned as a director of the Elite Athletic club of Ogden. Case Dismissed On motion of district dis-trict attorney John C. Davis today, the case of the state against Daniel E. Rogerson was dismissed. Rogerson was charged with assault and battery. Administrator Harvey Taylor haB petitioned the district court to appoint David Jensen administrator of the estate of-Naucy. Taylor, deceased, hli late wife. He states in his petition that Mrs. Taylor died Intestate July 24, 1915, leaving property in Weber county of the value of about 2,750. Message From Cherrlngton Secre tary Earl R. Gelger of the local order of Eagles today received a telegram from -O. M. Cherrlngton, father of Roy Cherrington whose dead body was found along the right-of-way of the Oregon Short Line road yesterday morning, stating that he will arrive In Ogden today or tomorrow to take charge of the body. Basketball News received at the Weber academy yesterday afternoon was to the effect that 500 students from the Boxelder high school would accompany their basketball team to Ogden today, to witness its contest with the academy team at 8 o'clock tonight. oo |