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Show TOTAL BRITISH LOSS ANNOUNCED Casualties on All Fronts 549,- 467 Comparatively Light Losses Due to Winter Inactivity. London, Jan. 28. 10:53 a. m. Pre-nilei Pre-nilei Asqiiith in a written reply to a request for information, says that the total British casualties in all fields of operation up to Janunrv 9 were '549,467, of which 22,122 were officers and 525,345 of other ranks. The winter's Inactivity on the fighting fight-ing lines is reflected in the comparatively compara-tively light losses of the British during dur-ing the last few weeks. The previous official British report made by Premier Pre-mier Asquith on December 29 gave official casualties up to December D at 528,227, showing a loss in the intervening in-tervening month of 21,240 " or 685 daily. Tlie casualties were distributed as follows. Flanders and France. Officers Other ranks Killed 5,138 S2.130 Wounded 10,217 248,990 Missing 1,691 52,344 Total, officers and men, 400,510. Dardanelles. Ofifcers Other ranks Killed 1,745 26,445 Wounded 3,143 74,945 Missing 353 10,901 Total, officers and men, 117,549. Other Fronts.' Officers Other ranks Killed 198 11,752 Wounded sifi 15,165 Missing ioi 2,656 Total, officers and men, 31,408. Grand total, 549,467 OO' Trip Postponed Owing to the serious seri-ous Illness of Sterling Wheelwright, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. "Wheelwright have postponed their trip to California. I |