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Show THEATERS AT THE ORPHEUM. A surprisingly large crowd braved the blizzard last night to witness the theatrical performance at the Orph-eum Orph-eum theater, which was not only "The Only Girl," but the only musical play of the season. Whether this had been the case or not, "The Only Girl" would have been enthusiastically received re-ceived for it is a rarely pleasing combination com-bination of Victor Herbert's catch' and tuneful melodies and Henry Blossom's Blos-som's bright lyrics, the latter being founded on the comedy "Our Wives," by Frank Mandel. The production, too, served to Introduce the best singing company that bus been heard In several years. The plot of "The Only Girl" Is at first a travesty on matrimony and at last a successful argument that, after all, life without it would be a fallacy. The song numbers that enter into the play, almost as interpolations, are all meritorious. "The "(heme" song "When You're Away," is on a par with many of the haunting waltz melodies that have kept the "hesitation" popular popu-lar since its inception and it was charmingly sung by Miss Edna Mun-sey. Mun-sey. Others that are tuneful and catchy are "The More I See of Others, Dear, the Better I Like You," "Personality," "Per-sonality," "Tell It All Over Again," "Here's How," "Here's to the Land Wo Love, Boys," and "You're the Only Girl for Me." As Ruth Wilson, the composer, Edna Ed-na Munsey made a fine impression. She is an unusually pretty blonde, a pleasing actress and gifted with a soprano voice that has only the fault of a tremolo in its lower register. uecuia iNOvasio, wno essays ui iuic of "Patsy," Is a pretty and clever sou-brette, sou-brette, with the added quality of a good voice She proved a big favorite favor-ite last night Genevieve Houghton displayed a soprano voice of sureness and rich quality in a solo number, as well as enacting the role of "Jane McMurray" In a satisfactory manner. Elsie Balrd and Reglna Richards also displayed the possession of excellent voices and ability as actresses. Franklyn Farnum carried the principal prin-cipal male role with entire success, being a capable actor, a good reader and a pleasing singer. He was given a close run for first honors, however, by Tom Burton, one of the drollest character comedians that local playgoers playgo-ers have yet seen. This actor Is well over 6 feet in height, which measurement measure-ment is accompanied by a lack of flesh. He also has an excellent bass-baritone bass-baritone voice and his work was one of the big hits of the evening. Russell Rus-sell Lennon, Frank Coombs and Alfred Al-fred Fisher gave good support in the other principal roles. t - oo WHY TWICE? "Look here, waiter. Eighty cents is an outrageous price for a portion of asparagus.'' "Yes, sir, but you see, sir, we're pulling on a very expensive cabaret ca-baret show, and " "I know all about the cabaret show. paid for that with the soup." , : |