Show I A CUtilOUs UNO IN IOWA I ri > IH hr 1snals UB IMo 111 She IM-o < tllto JBlte In i arakaeo onlcal tile eefer mri llrjM JtfrorllOD OOUH JVJo ° W5 In inmined alnn the W sit 01 II imf I or on anllqultlW Ot tltf ShIn nnirrti hOI been reseIon4 l MaIling II ai ih niie la I undoubtedly tIrE uome rain so YI the 81 heel lwiI emiK rnt A party of aclentlelf rW the Hmlihonlan InttlttitUin li I tow MI II Ocr I gather aldltlo1 data to mi in unrrmlnlOK lIa oriln T M BM we mad September 0 IN Tfce block nil wood In which the record were Is < I nil In about the alM of a comiioa lu I k The outside of thin Wx ia nslcri wilts wu or gllm ci fly khil CIrI h be nut only fantpnexl I M fkeet oilier i but made the re eelnarle uniuii practically wau hair h-air llghl IIer SwIng roaleil the tuIoeks I hiil i n hrhl over II See thai the mm initil 1 tor i melted nnl otmly dMrlbntp i 10 i hp block is I nri UIIY wrcred miii mi im it la t Him illglu I y tharrri I hr nmeost poullil > a hll l 6l Mich in l x < i lltnlly prr rvod Tile calrr MMukor n bark la I purpllnh thatCh ladi nn ni Ihat It bud bwn ilia eolai d b > nioki That MI whl h the harjcirn are orliten la an thin na a I bit < > f pi tin Ing paper of Shin < ln > a pinkish rllw aa rrmh npparrnll DB tie da > n wna put Into the ariinil 1 Tho rkarnriin lIfo wrlllwi In r > vl Ink i pwwiNy line Julii of aoine fruit or I itani mh rolur la bright and Hi worK tool that of an eipirl The bAric li I not that of our common liln n but more like that whIrl la osh by ho Indiana farther mirth lire mix with bleb the bill ot wood were ioil enh retemlilea lety much dark aealliiK wax ot UIMW itn > i melta very readily and floe out n faint odor The find WAR mule under the lump nf n tree two or three fet deep Workmen think the tree mint hne been fifty yrnra old |