Show HOW CLEVELAND HUNTS Cot ttlrr Ill tall lie to Irep Jtnl r n nrwrlmu I wanted lo her what Col Hive hid lo say of ex1rmldent Cleveland with whom or by whom lie gas gunning gun-ning down Ihe Potomac nays the Cincinnati Cin-cinnati Commercial Tribune Ho It very dote however Oil an olDclal confidentiality con-fidentiality The subject had trio sew eral time tapped h but would not run On Ihe lift occasion the colonel got at far at to tty Mr Cleveland It I a very nice man lie used to lie very free and natural In hla rommsntt nxotnt when an unknown ptrty came In then he would close up like n terrapin lately he hula become very elrtumtoecl having hav-ing few opinion lo exprtm I never quote anHhlng he says If I did I noiilil relate many droll remark tie poMeia ehtraiter of lib own whlru I at to dltappolnt many of hit follower fol-lower who expect him tn pi too far He will leave the proeeMlon when lie don not want to go any farther Thl Is I where partisan become offended They are nut willing lo let a preIJcnl think by himself and want him to think nt they do Mr Cleveland at a tporltman It I manly If you want lo < ave him a duck at they arc flying and do not thool at It In jour turn he will refuse to shutout It At the tame lime be It I nol up lo our melhodt on the Potnmae He It I to clout that ho cannot stand up a long tlmo to hoot He thonta pretty well and la I very active for a man of hit flesh but we hoot In turn without a word between tit at the ducks come Mr Waller the proprietor pro-prietor down there at Aqula creek and me he knowing nit ducks I mine crack crack alternately We always lake them nn the wing from the bllmli we have built Mr Cleveland stays out on bit boat we ttay ashoro |