Show I U nnlr Cpiuinlihiiii This Hoard of County Cumiuliiloncri mat Tuendny In Ilfclal fesilon all term Ur ptefent nml traniactod Iho following fol-lowing buiinein Thu meeting woe called for tho pun iwtoof m pasting nn ordinance concerning Ihollcenilng of iluep > rdt paitured In this rnunty and an ordlnonco preicrlb 1111 l f lie Minalty for ony wises or persons doing or carrying on any business In sail county who fall or refuie to takeout R licenie when such license It t required hall h-all ordinance nt laid county A communication Irom lie State Auditor relating to thin bounty law Will 5lL1JJiemlnlailott wits site ra4 r la MltL9QLasppolntment ol n cult teem Inijifctor arid lAHloer It eaulp b iiiecllng Tho ih rep law ordinance + woe taken up I dlicuned and pancd and ordered published In time Utah 1atrlot The Clerk win intruded todraw war million thoTiensurer for nil juror and i wltiicii certlltcalet limed In 1891 on surrender 01 same to lime County Clerk Thu Clerk Instructed to Invite elm ° Comiiiiiilonera of Wnntch county to meet with the Coinniitslonert of Summit Sum-mit county at Park City on May 2 till to take Into consideration the propriety permanently 1 nitabllihlng o tin county linn between Summit and Wuiatcii countlet and make a Joint survey there forThe The resolution Wit pisicd timt tho County Surveyor of Summit county meet with tutee County hurvc > er of Itlch county and make < < II joint curve and establish a permanent locntion of thin line betneen Kummll o till Itlch counties The Clerk wile Inilructed notify the Sherlir that he orhli deputy should bo In l attendance a nt eacli tciilon of tho Hoard of County Commliilonert The lands of lphralin Ijiinlwrt at Ilsh wed lamu Warden Solon Sorettiun and John McDontiugh at lined Hupervlson went npprot ed and Illed I1IIU ALUIWKII leorgt W Young iiippllot for Itoud Supervlior Wanihlp f 2U60 J1 Smith wnllngcnt fund MM Mrt HoMnion cleaning courtroom court-room lGO On million thus Hoard adjourned |