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Show CLAIM RUSSIANS ARE ON THIRD LINE OF DEFENSE Berlin, via wireless to Sayville, Jan. 24. A special dispatch to the Frankfurter Frank-furter Zeitung from tho Austrian headquarters says: "The Russians are working with a big force on their third line of defenses defen-ses eastward of Gorlice (Gallcla) and surrounding it with wire entanglements entangle-ments Their first line is .weakly manned, which leads to the impression impres-sion that the Russians at this Important Import-ant point of our front are thinking only of a defensive some kilometers in front of our artillery line. "Our well built Infantry' positions extend to the palace grounds of Gorlice." Gor-lice." The Lokal Anzeiger publishes a notice no-tice to foreign buyers assuring them that travel in Germany is neither difficult dif-ficult nor dangerous. The notice declares that the Leipzig trade fair will be held as usual and says that buyers need not hesitate to visit it either in the fo.ar of any hardships in travel or that their orders will not be filled. The Overseas News agency says reports re-ports received from Holland are thai In consequence of the recent sinking of the British steamer Durward, by li German submarine boat, service between Harwich. England, and tho Hook of Holland has been discontinued. discontin-ued. This news agency says also tluit the military' attaches of neutral states have arrived at Piotrkow. Russian Poland. Po-land. They are traveling over the entire Gorman east front. on |