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Show NEW INDUSTRY WILL SAVE WASTE PRODUCTS OF FARM Portland People, With New Process for Preserving Fruits and Vegetables, Are Before the Weber Club, Having in View the Building of a Plant in This City. The establishment or Ogden as the center of the fruit drying and evaporating evapor-ating industry of the west was judged to be a strong possibility today through a meeting of the director? of the Weber club and Ogden Publi City bureau with 0, C Mkhener. president and general manager of the Food Products company of Portland, Oregon As a result of the meeting, a committee of Weber club members was appointed to make a thorough study of the question of eastablish-ing eastablish-ing a drying and evaporating plant of large proportions in the city, as follows: ! P Digelow, chairman, Dr. H M I Howe. A. L Brewer. Dr. G F. Osgood and Dr S W. Wherry Mr Michener came" to Ogden several sev-eral days ago and, through the efforts ef-forts of the Weber club and Ogden Publicity bureau, was enabled to secure se-cure a thorough knowledge of conditions condi-tions here as a strategic point for the erection of a plant to make marketable mark-etable the greater part of the immense im-mense crops of fruit that go to waste each year. His trip waa made at the special request of the commisssion recently appointed by Governor Wm Spry to find wajs and means for the taking care of the surplus crop of Utah fresh fruit after the market demands had been supplied. He has viBlte-d, during the past week, throughout Weber. Box Elder, Salt Lake and Utah counties, and stated today that he favors Ogden above any other place for a plant similar to the one operated by his company at Portland If it is found feasible to operate a plant here, he Inferred thaL if it were done, the company would bring its expert here and make Ogden the headquarters of the industry, instead of Portland. According to the discussion at the meeting today, the proposed Ogden Og-den plant would handle 800,000 pounds of fruit and vegetables a year. The fruit used would be the kind that is too ripe to ship and if prepared according ac-cording to the system outlined by Mr. Michener. It could be placed on the market when the other fruit was gone. The first year. 100 cars ot truit pears, apples, peaches, plums and apri cots could be bandied at the plant, in addition to the vegetables. According to Mr. Michener, the system sys-tem of fruit dryin? and evaporating followed by the Food Products Company Com-pany of Portland is called the "Ever-fresh "Ever-fresh System" and though the water is taken out. the fruit does not lose flavor, or its other food properties. Then, when the fruit or vegetables are moistened again, the original "freh"' quality is brought back The process is applied to almost every kind of vegetable or fruit and a unique product that is now beinc put out at Portland and that could be out out at the proposed Ogden plant, is a vege-table vege-table being dried anil mixed together togeth-er and then packed In a cartoon until un-til used. When the product to be dried is de-'lhored de-'lhored at the plant it Is weighed, sorted and graded, then carefully peeled or hulled, according to its nature. na-ture. It is then scientifically washed and cut into tho necessary shape. After Af-ter the cutting la done -each kind of vegetable or fruit being given special treatment it is placed in trays and trucked under a shower bath and spray arrangement In the drying room the first thing noticed is a long box lik affair, which seems to have a number of compart ments with ducts leading from them to a huge flue or pipe Each cabinet thus made, is a drier and each com-partment com-partment is a drying oven. Each cabinet, cabi-net, too, can successfully dn ait number of different vegetables or fruits at the same time, the process being such that one kind of fruit or vegetable does not absorb any of the odors or flavor oi the others. The economical value of the "Ever-fresh" "Ever-fresh" products, to the average consumer con-sumer is that it will place within his reach practically fresh vegetables the year around for thos sections of country that for climatic conditions have to use inferior articles. The directors of the Weber club and Ogden Public' bureau had luncheon today at the Weber club with President C C. Michener of the Food Products Company of Portland. Oregon, and C. H. Smith of Center ville. The fruits and egetables served were the dried type, produced hi the Portland plant of Mr Mithen-er's Mithen-er's company and the diners voted them equal in quality to the fresh Koods. |