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Show oo Deaths and Funerals JENKINS The funeral of Mrs William Wil-liam Jenkins, who died yesterday morning at the family residence, 2370 Lincoln avenue, will be held tomorrow tomor-row at 2 p. m., in the Church of the Good Shepherd. The body may be viewed at the residence today aftcf 1 p. m. and tomorrow until noon. WESTERGARD Funeral services for Vera Westergard, the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. John H. Westergard. will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock In the Third ward meeting house. The body may be viewed this afternoon and evening and tomorrow until the funeral hour, at the residence, resi-dence, 257 Twenty-second street The interment will be made in the City cemetery. BARRETT Mrs. Carrie C. Barrett, wife of Charles H. Barrett, died last night at the family residence, 2561 Grant avenue, of valvular disease of the heart. She was the daughter of ex-Senator E. W. Terrell, now of Frul-ta, Frul-ta, Colo., and was born in Michigan, March 29, 1864. She had lived in Ogden for about one year. The surviving sur-viving relatives ar her husband, father, fa-ther, and the following brothers and sisters: Mrs George Reed, Fruita; Mrs. E Mallett, San Diego; and W. E. Terrell, Grand Junction. The body was removed to the Lindquist mortuary and the funeral announcement announce-ment will be made later. MRS. WEST IS DEAD. Pocatello, Idaho, Jan. 6 Bryan West prosident of the student body of the stute academy, yesterday received re-ceived news of the sudden death of his mother at Chesterfield Funeral services will be held today Members Mem-bers of the faculty and student body will attend. oo "AS YE SOW" "As Ye Sow," a great World Film corporation feature, will he the leading lead-ing play of the Isls theater starting tonight and continuing until Saturday. In addition there will be Hearst's war pictures and a Keystone comedy entitled, en-titled, "Wild West Love " The theater thea-ter is open contlnuouslv from 1:45 o'clock to 11 o'clock at night Advertisement. |