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Show RANDOM REfRNCES Good watches Vi Price 278 2uth. - Salt Lake police officers were in Ogden yesterday afternoon endeavoring endeavor-ing to locate some articles stolen In Salt Lake by Fred Bid well and al leged to have been pawned m this city. Plenty of Colorado Anthracite Coal. John Farr. Phone 27. The first game of the 1914 schedule sched-ule of the Ogden Stake basketball league will be played tomorrow night in the Fourth ward hall. The con-itsting con-itsting teams will be the Fourth ward and Pleasant View and the same will start at 7:30 o'clock. A dame will follow the contest COAL All kinds. M. L. Jones Coal and Ice Co.. office 413 24th St W. H. Smith has returned to his ; mr in Ogden, after passing the holidavs with relatives at Reinbock, J? la. " W. Eugene Marsteller. Dentist Specialist in crown and bridge-work. 4Pfi.i07-408 Colonel Hudson Building ,T ML Scott, a broker of Winnepcg. Canada, was a visitor yesterday at the home of Angus Kennedy. He was accompanied by his. wife and t.hc couple are en route to California. Mr. Scott and Mr Kennedy were chums during their childhood days. Dr. Epperson is In his office. Wiliiam F. Tribe has returned home from Wisconsin, where he passed the holidays wi'h relatives. Dr C. F. Osgood, physician and ' surgeon, and Dr. Franklin C. Osgood, Dentist, have removed their offices to Suites 821 and 822 Eccles Bldg. - The third evening of class prayer t meetings of the Methodist church will be tonight and the classes will meet as follows: Class 1 at the home; of Mrs. Christenson. 3050 Adams av- the church: class 3 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F S. Laird, 2346 Quincy avenue. Old mats for sale again at the Standard 25c per 100, first come, first served. According to a letter received yesterday yes-terday afternoon by the secretary of the European War Relief society of Ogden. the carload of provisions i shipped from this city several days ago. for the relief of the people of Belgium, will be sent to Holland on the steamer Cranley. Dr Mark Brown has opened his office of-fice in the Eccles building. Speeding Willard Kay was halted this morning on the charge of exceeding exceed-ing the speed limit in an automobile Bamberger Coal Co. Good supply of lump coal just in. Phone 2000. Theft T Carlson reported the theft of a lady's overcoat, to the police po-lice this morning. The coat, he said, was taken from his buggy last night. Senior class of the Weber academy will give a ball Friday evening, Jan uary S. in the auditorium. Hall decorations, deco-rations, refreshments; good music and good floor. Receiver Hagbart Anderson has been appointed receiver for the de fendants in the case of the Western Foundry & Machine company against Sarah E. and C. R. Stone, under a bond of $10i0. Anniversary Ball of the Degree Team of the Order of Eagles. February Febru-ary 10, at Colonial Hall Promotions City Ticket Agont Paul Beemer of the Union Pacific received notice today from B. I- Winchell. director di-rector of iroffic. that Albert K Curts. former traveling passenger agent of the Union Pacific with headquarters at Omaha, had been promoted to the position of district passenger agent at Des Moines, la. Mr. Curts, according to another notice, has been replaced by Frank E. Watklns. When you send a news item to the Standard always put your name and address at the bottom of the sheet for identification Your pame will not be printed with a news item but we must know from what source it comes Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses licen-ses have been issued to R C. Bridge of Salt Lake and Mrs. Bertha Jonea of Ogden. and to Rufus E Garner oi Roy and Sylvia J. Garnet of Shelly, Idaho. A carton of B & G Clover Leaf is full of value and satisfaction. - Damage Case The Goddard Pickle & Preserve company, in the damage suit of James M. Kelly against the company answers that If the plaintiff sustained injuries at Its factory building build-ing by falling through a trap door, it was through his own contributory negligence. neg-ligence. The company also makes a genera denial of the allegations of the complaint. Mrs Dale and Mrs. Howard Dressmakers, Dress-makers, 1184 Capitol Ave. |