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Show PRESIDENT WILSON PLANNING TRIP Washington, .Jan 7 President Wilson Wil-son expects his trip to the Panama canal, the San Diego and San Francisco Fran-cisco expositions and his speaking tour afterward to last from March , to May 1. He told callers today he planned to be away from Washing on for that period unless public business busi-ness necessitates his presence here. Detailed plans for the formal open ins of the canal were considered at a conference today between the president presi-dent and Senators Overman. tfoke Smith and Gallinger. and Represent lives Fnderwood. Mann and Sherley Mr. w 11 son now nas ueiore n;m a tentative program for the opening, drawn up under the direction of Secretaries Sec-retaries Bryan. Garrison and Danieis An invitation to include the Pacific northwest in the Itinerary was extended extend-ed to the president todaj 03 Senators ( bam ber lain and Lane of Oregon; Borah and Brady of Idaho Sutherland Suther-land of (Jtafa end Jones and Poin-dexter Poin-dexter of Washington He promised to lake in those states if possible. |