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Show WAR BULLETINS jM New York, Jan. 14. The converted British cruiser Caronla, which has 'bb-I been absent, from nearby waters for b-b-L-b-I nearly a month, took up again today jH her old position east of the Ambrose 'H channel , lightship, relieving the cruls- H er Lancaster. The Suffolk, stated to be about seven miles south of Soot- Ib-b-I land lightship, continued to patrol the bb-I southern and southeastern steamship Turin, Italy, Jan. 13, 8 30 p. m bbbb! The Franco firm, dealers in precious bH metals, went into bankruptcy today HHI There is a deficit of 10,000.000 francs 'b-b-H ($2,000,000) it is stated in the papers, IbHE due to the arrest of trade with Bel- bbB gium, especially with Antwerp, from L-B-B which place It is impossible to exact Ib-b-H debts. HH |