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Show PLATT ADAMS TO DISPROVE CHARGES New York, Jan. 13. Charges that Piatt Adams, Olympic champion in the standing high jump had sold or otherwise disposod of certain of hia prizes contrary to the ruins of the Amateur Athletic association, were threshed out in part tonight before the registration committee of the Metropolitan association of the A. A. U. Adttms. a member of the New York Athletic club, and rated as the best all-around jump r in the world, had a big gripsack of his prizes with him in the building in which the hearing was held, and it was declared he stood ready to produce any of his medals med-als or other trophies that might be ea called for. He was not asked to show any of them tonight, however. I be makers of three affidavits on whic h th- charges against Adams are based were examined at some leugtti 'I ho committee will meet again Saturday. |