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Show WYOMING WILL BE FLAGSHIP! Rear Admiral Fletcher Trans, fers Flag New York to Be President's Ship. Battleship Fleet to Rendezvous at Sea and Drill at Guantanomo. New York, Jan 14. -The dread nought Wyoming today became Rear Admiral Fletchers iiagship f(ar . miral Fletcher yesterday transferred his flag to the Wyoming in order that the admiral's quarters on the New York could be made ready ror the use of President Wilson and ln p;im or. the trip to the Panama canal tocordtng to plans being arranged at the navy yard for the presidential f visit to the canal, three of the four I dreadnoughts now left at the yard I are to proceed to sea next Fridaj join the other units of the battleshii fleet and engage in a search problem which may be extended to a week or more On completion of the problem, th HeOt will rendezvous at sea and proceed pro-ceed to Guantanamo for drills and maneuvres The Ne w York will !,p held in readiness to go to Hampton Roads whenever the president directs Alter he and hi; partv have beeo received on board the vessel will pro ceed southward, fall in with ih res! of the fleet at the rendezvous and lead it 10 Colon. |