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Show H One Man Killed and Much H Property ' Destroyed. H San Francisco, Jan. 2. A south- H rly gale that quickly developed' Into H a seventy-flve-mile-an-hour hurricane, H struck San Francisco late today, kill- H ' ing ono man, severely injuring other Hl l persons and taking a heavy toll of H ' property damage. The storm was said H by weather bureau officials to be H ) the worst that has visited this city H in twenty-three years. H Henry Chilson, a retired druggist H from Los Angeles, was fatally injured H tonight by a falling sign, and dio1 H : soon afterward. Many other persons H were hurt by flying debris and at all B the municipal hospitals doctors and H nurses were kept busy patching up H An untenanted two-story apartment H house in tho southern part of the V city was demolished and other build- H lugs were damaged. More than 100 H plate glass windows were blown in. H I Wares kicked up by the wind on H the bay endangered small craft. Ferry H ; traffic was maintained with difficulty. B I The lower decks of several ferries H ' were swept by seas and many passen- gers who escaped seasickness knelt H prayer. H Several coasters that tried to put H to sea turned back. Shipping along 1 the coast had received ample warn- H ing of the storm and it was believed H that no large vessels would suffer. H Among the tall buildings down H town the wind played curious pranks. H People on one side of Market street H Ktood in comparative calm and watch- H1 ed the people on the other side strug- H gling with a galethat brooked no re- H Bistanco and which, while it swept H the crowds before It, juggled over- H head with a varied collection of hats, H) caps, umbrellas, advertising signs and H electric light bulbs. BBBBBI |