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Show RANDOM REFERENCES TODAY'S CALENDAR j , SOCIAL, FRATERNAL SOCIETIES. Knights of Columbus dance, Woodmeu Hall. - STATED FRATERNAL MEETINGS. A. M. F. LODGE NO. 81. J K. of P. CHURCH MEETINGS. I r Presbyterian "Week of Prayer. : . . Good watches Price. 278 25th. Expert Diver Arthur Loeb, an ex-i ex-i pert diver who is said to have saved ' thirty-eight lives and recovered sixty- seven bodies of victims in the Eastland East-land disaster in the Chicago river last July, passed Saturday night in, Ogden : i and departed yesterday for Reno, Nev. Kodak Films developed 10c each , ; roll. Velox paper used. Mclntyre Drug Japanese A party of 25 Japanese occupying a special car, is scheduled , ? to arrive in Ogden tomorrow at 7.05 ' i a. m., on Union Pacific train No. 21. They are en route to Japan, to partici- '' ' pate in the celebration of the Japanese '' ' New Year and other holidays, and will sail to the Orient from Seattle. ( All kinds of Coal. Parker Coal Co.. cor, 27tb St. and Pac. Phone 198-W. -Bulletin "Concrete Facts," a new publication is to be printed in Ogden li within the next week or ten days and I will be circulated throughout the I western country. It is to be the or-) or-) gah of the Intermountalu Concrete company, associated with the Ogden Portland Cement company, and will be an eight-page magazine-style bulletin bul-letin dealing with different phases of i Mift nrndiicfinn nTiri uses of concrete. The bulletin will be issued monthly ' and will contain articles written by experts from all over the country. Q Spargo'a for rubber stamps, seals, . t etc. Work of Art The talent of Albert I Greenwell, an Ogden boy, has been : recognized by the faculty of the Acad-W- emy of Fine Arts of Chicago, in the ; reproduction of one of his drawings I ; in the annual art booklet of the acad-I- omy. Mr. Greenwell enrolled at the I' academy last September and is re-W re-W ported to be making excellent prog-9 prog-9 ; ress in his art work. m Doctor Fred G. Clark removed to m : r Suite 707-8-9-10, David Eccles Bldg. - M ' ,' Charles Lippincott departed yesten 9: day for Pennsylvania, being called 9 there by the serious illness of his fa- ' . ther. I ! Dr, Condon's new edition of poems I : "A Handful of Flowers with Sprays of I Evergreen" will be a handsome Christ- I : : mas present and may be found at B , Spargo's and Bramwell's Book store. i Advertisement. i Banquet Thursday In order to better bet-ter accommodate the business and b t professional men invited, the date of 9. the banquet, which was to have been fl given at the Weber club tonight in 9 honor of Judge H. II. Rolapp. has 9 been postponed until Thursday night, fl January 6. 9 All Kinds of Good Coal Rawson l9;; Eros., 2270 Wall Ave. Phone 4S4. lm M Twelfth Ward The new Twelfth 9 ; ward meeting house yesterday held Its V s first congregations, meetings being 9 '' ' held in the morning, afternoon and 9:; evening. The edifice is not yet corn- 9 pleted, but its construction has prog- 9 ressed far enough to permit of meet- 9 Ings being held In it with comfort. It 9' will bo finished, it is anticipated, by 9 April 1 and dedicated sometime in 9 l - July when the ward Indebtedness will 9 be cleared away. At the services yes- 9' terday, members of the Weber stake 9' presidency and Bishop T. B. Wheel- 9' wright were the principal speakers. 9 People want the BEST and at the 9 J same time the CHEAPEST. That's B 9j &. G Butter. 9:. Academy Lecture Tomorrow night, 9 i in the tabernacle, the Weber academy W' lecture committee will present the ,9', feature number of the 1915-1G course, ,9 William Owen & Co. in Charles Rann S Kennedy's drama "The Servant in the House." The drama, which Is in five acts, is considered one of the ( greatest of the present day, its gon- '9 : eral thought being. "If a man says I v9t love God, and hateth his brother, he U : is a liar; for be that loveth not his 9; brother, who ho hath seen, how can 9 he love God. who he hath not seen. I ' Sacred Heart Work in the educa- 9l tional department of Sacred Henrt 9v academy will be resumed tomorrow 9 1 morning, alter the holiday vacation. 9j Mrs. Laurlo Dee and Miss Kathryn ! Joyce departed today for Chicago, on the Pacific Limited. Priesthood Meetings On account of the four-stake Sunday school convention con-vention to be held In Ogden. next Sunday, the regular meeting of the mi Weber stake high priests' quorum will 9 ' bo postponed to a later date. The regular Weber stake monthly priesthood priest-hood meeting, however, will be held as scheduled, in the Second ward, chapel. Ida Masero of 271 Twenty-fourth street reported the theft of a ladies' gold watch to the police department today. Salt Lake Judge Judge G. G. Armstrong Arm-strong of Salt Lake is holding court in Judge N. J. Harris division of the district court hearing the divorce case of W. II. Sherman against Maggie Sherman. Bonds At the meeting of the old city board of commissioners the bonds of Mayor A. R. Heywood and M. L. Jones in the sum of $20,000 each were approved. The bonds are furnished by the Guardian Casualty and Guaranty Guar-anty company. City Schools The city public and private schools, the latter including the Weber academy, Sacred Heari academy and the Smithsonian Business Busi-ness college, opened again today, marking the completion of the two weeks' holiday. Nearly 7000 children entered the doors of the different schools. Called East Charles W. Lippincott left at 1 p. m. today over the Union Pacific for Pittsburg, Pa., where he was called by the serious illness of his father, John Lippincott. Want Company Dissolved Joseph H. Hunt and others have begun suit in the district court against James McFarlaud et al. for the dissolution or a stocic company alleged to nave been entered into in April, 1911. The company Is known as the' West Weber We-ber Percheron company and its organization or-ganization involved the purchase of a certain stallion for $3200. The plaintiffs plain-tiffs seek an accounting, and also asks that a receiver be appointed to straighten out the affairs of the com pany. Administratrix In the matter of the estate of Levi Randall and Emma Randall, deceased, the district court has appointed Josephine Seaman administratrix ad-ministratrix and fixed her bond at $400. Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses licen-ses have been issued to David H. Bateman and Lottie A. Webster of Ogden, and to Alfred Goddard and Gertrude Amy King of Salt Lake. Harry Gravell and Jack Clark, former for-mer inmates of the State industrial school, were arrested Saturday night on the charge of passing worthless checks. The boys were placed in the county jail and will be charged with obtaining money under false pretenses. preten-ses. Each is alleged to havo passed a check for $15, one at the Walkover shoe store and the other at Wrights' store. |