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Show DISEASE HOT INFECTJUMANS Meat Eaters Need Have No Fear of the Eastern Cattle Epidemic. NO PARTICLE USED All Infected Animals Are Shot ! and Immediately Buried in Quicklime. Chicago, Nov. 6. Statements assur-1 ing the public that foot and mouth' disease, the malady that Is raging I umong livestock in nine states, cannot Infect humans through the eating Of J meat was issued by officials of Chicago's Chi-cago's largest packing companies today. to-day. "Meat eaters need have no fear from the disease" read a statement by J Ogden Armour of the packing firm bearing his name. "No particle of meat from an Infected In-fected animal is used, even for soap fertilizer or leather. Even such onl nial is shot and burled in Quicklime St once Meat Government Inspected. "Cernment inspectors have ex-I aiained carefully every bit of meat, sold by packers and the vigilance has: been doubly watchful for a week The disease Is detected quickly and there is not one chance for harm or deterioration deteri-oration to any meat sold." There would be no danger In eat ing meat from infected aulmals, oven If it were used, unless tho Infected parts were brought Into contact with dressed meat according to a statement state-ment by Walter S Halne, toxlcologlst and member of the Illinois food commission. com-mission. T he quarantine placed on the Chicago Chi-cago Union stock yards b federal and state officials will go into effect ot the close of today's business The yards must remain closed for nine days, the government officials ordered, or-dered, so all cattle cars, pens and other equipment can be thorough ly dlsir fected A force of 1000 men is employed in the process of fumigation. fumiga-tion. East St. Louis. HI., Nov 6 The stockyards will be closed here for fumigation for several days beginning begin-ning tomorrow An order to this ef feet was received from government I officials todaj |